Chapter 15- Cookies

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Just a month more before the first leg of our On The Road Again tour starts and we still haven't polished our whole performance.

Harry and Niall are still on with their stupid fight and its bugging all of us. They both refuse to talk to each other they even refused to practice together. Its hopeless.

All the other boys are betting that the reason for all this drama is a girl. They're fighting over it and its gonna ruin the whole tour.

I arrived at the studio this morning just to see Harry and Niall shoving each other harshly. I stormed the room before they can even kill each other.

"Seriously?" I snapped furiously at them.

Their reactions are always the same, Niall avoiding my gaze while curling up his fist in to a ball, and Harry standing straight with his arms across his chest and his jaw all tensed up.

They both only seemed to calm down if Victoria is here which is not everyday because according to what I heard, she actually owns a chain of hospitals around Europe and a mass production company of the best-known luxurious sports cars. So that means, we have no proper practice at all especially when she's not here.

"Are they fighting again?" Louis arrived with two box of cookies in his hand. He sighed and glared at Niall and Harry. I have him a 'isn't-it-obvious' look.

"What's the problem with both of you? Especially you Harry can't believe you can turn into a warfreak for girl." Louis shook hia head.

"Who told you its a girl?" Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Ow. So its a guy. I'm hurt Harold. So much babe." Louis put his hand above his chest faking a heart ache.

"I thought... Its Larry forever right? Are you cheating on me?!?" Louis pouted and turned his voice to a high-pitched one sounding like a girl.

"Man. Seriously that's how my ex sounded before." I laughed at him.

I'm glad Louis' here to brighten up the mood.

"Anyways, Wanna have a cookie Liam? Lottie baked some today" I walked over to him and got one, Niall following behind me. Food always attracts him. I laughed internally.

"Not bad. This is the cookie I always wanna have. Homemade!" I exclaimed Lottie's really gifted in baking unfortunately Louis didn't even get any of that talent.

Niall walked over to the box and picked one before Louis slapped out his hand.

"No cookies for the two of you!" Louis said while holding up his pointer finger as he tried to make a point.

"Whaaaaat?" Niall and Harry said in unison.

"No cookies because 1) You just cheated on me Harold and 2) because I don't like negative vibes touch my sister's positivity cookies!" He happily said and stuck his tongue out infront of the two.

"You both be friends again and he'll give a 'positivity cookie!'" Zayn arrived and mocked Louis tone in the 'positivity cookie' thing he walked over to us and high fives me and Louis after that he stuffs his mouth with a lot of positivity.

"Ughh. Fine. Harold?" Niall put his hands up in defense and offering a hand shake to Harry. Niall really cares more about food which at the moment, is a very good thing.

"I want a cookie so..." Harry holding up his hand in a fist. The same fist he tried to aim at Niall this morning is now asking for a fist bump.

"Better!" Louis exclaimed and hands them the other cookie box.

"It's kinda worth it. Isn't Harry?" Niall talks to Harry with his mouth full of cookies. Niall with his mouth full plus his thick Irish accent in the morning equals to some phrase or sentence you'll never understand.

Harry just nodded while continually stuffing himself with positivity cookies. I turned to Louis and Zayn raising a high five at both of them.

"Practicing yet?" A feminine voice coming from the door took our attention.

"Uhh, Liam need the bathroom. Hold this" Louis said running off the studio and shoved me the box of cookies.

I turned to Zayn to ask him what excuse we got to say and I just found him at the couch in the corner of the room snoring. I guess he ran off to the couch the moment his brain processed the word "danger". These traitors.

Niall had a coughing fit and is all red and looking like a suffocated monkey that can die any moment.

Harry ran off the corner of the room with his phone on his ear faking a call. He only repeats the words 'yeah', 'sure', 'mmhmm'. So the pressure's on me now.

Victoria raised her eyebrow and signaled me to come closer. Jeez. I walked slowly.

"Can't you just hurry up?" I walked a bit faster but still keeping caution.

"I want these cookies. Seems like you don't want to share..." She clears her throat and brings shudder down my spine. I defiantly look stupid right now.

She held me by my shoulders to stop me from shaking. She quietly said that we both need to talk outside. Privately. Ouch.

Once it seems like the place was clear she looked over to me.

"Tell me the truth...Why were they fighting?" Oh no. No Liam. She cannot have the truth out of you. Its a secret. What happens in the band, stays in the band.

"The last time I'll repeat, why is Niall and Harry fighting? What are they fighting over?" She looked at me pursuading the answer out of me.

"Uhhm." I hesitated and I cursed under my breath. No you can't tell her. Maybe she's the only one that can stop them but no its mine, Lou and Zayn's secret.

But they left me a while ago. Traitors. Oh my. Her eyes are making me say things.

"Look Liam. I can help them. And its my right to know the problem. And also, I'm a bit pursuasive" she smirked at me.

What woman? A bit? Your like a CIA agent trying to choke out the answers out of me.

"Um. I.." She looked at me again this time I bet she's looking at my soul. I can't take it anymore. I'm biting my tongue already.

"Its a girl." I blurted out. Oh Liam! Seriously? You said it. Horrible soul you Liam!

"Oh. Alright. Thank you Mr. Payne. How reliable of you. That wasn't even hard. You know getting the answer out of you." She smiles.

And now the boys will kill me. What a bad day! The positivity cookies didn't seem to work at all. I shake my head.

A/N: Aaaaaaand watcha think? I really want some cookies right now. And a bit of horan hug. #LarryFeels



All the love you cupcake. Remember that no one can put you down. Don't let stupid people make you feel bad remember they're the spawns of Naughty Boy (aka Satan) ××

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