Chapter 13- Past's Love

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"It's the truth that hurts us most."



"This is your new family..."

No it can't be. It just couldn't be... Those words marked my new life. A new chapter with new people.

All I comprehend was this people standing before me would replace my Mum and Dad. I held my little brother, Edward tighter and closer.

We were at their big luxurious garden facing a greek fountain. A tall boy probably same age as me stood along with a little girl playing with her doll.

Our Uncle Richard adopted us and took us to live with his family. Uncle Richard is my Dad's very best friend. I was ten then and my brother was seven. Our parents died in a car crash on their way home.

"Steven?" Uncle Richard gestured a tall brown haired boy infront of me.

"Oh. Hi Nicholas and Edward. I'm Steven. Nicholas were at the same age, we can be good brothers." He said smiling at us.

I put my right hand forward for a hand shake but instead of taking it he pulled my hand and hugged me and Edward.

"We don't shake hands. We're brothers!" That hit me. Another brother?

"Dada bought dolly for Essa!" A cheerful little girl braided in pigtails exclaimed while hugging Edward tight.

"Not a doll Vanessa, he's your new brother." Steven picked him up.

"You have a beautiful house and family sir." I said to Uncle Richard.

"Call me Dad or Uncle please . I want to inform you that all the things that your family has is now all yours but i'll keep it until you are old enough to spend it rightly. Be comfortable alright?"

Before I could reply a sound of a galloping horse was coming nearby.

"Heeeeyyyyy." A girl shouted from afar.

She arrived and went down from her white horse and removed her helmet. Her beautiful blond hair cascaded down her shoulders.

"Hello. You're the boys? I'm Victoria! Call me Iya to avoid confusion. " She smiled at us.

I nodded so does Edward.

"So you're Edward? We're the same age!" She happily pinched Edward's cheeks.

"Y-y-you're b-b-eautiful..." I was shocked at what he said.

"I like him Daddy!" She held Edward's hand and kissed him in the cheek. Edward blushed like his gonna blast anytime. It was funny. I've let his hand go.

"I'm an equestrian. Want to ride a horse? I have five!" She said to Edward.

"I can't " Edward said in response.

"Alright. Then ride with me!" She took him with her as they were lifted by a few helpers.

"Be careful both of you. Let's go inside." Uncle said motioning us to ho inside.

"B-but my brother..." I stopped and looked back they were far from sight now.

"No worries. There are many people to take care of them. Let us go inside shall we?" Uncle reassured me.

We were on our way inside when Auntie Lionel went downstairs looking as younger as ever.

She came over us and kissed us on the cheeks. She smelled like Vanilla and a bit of champagne. Like always. Her blood red lipstick sticked at our cheeks.

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