Chapter 19-Better

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Sitting here in the hallway of the hospital with only a concrete wall separating me and Iya is extremely bothering, I really want to see her but I couldn't muster the courage to go in there and look at her it's just impossible.

I had been staying here for the last three hours and its nearly midnight but I don't regret going here but yes, I do regret the part that I'm still stuck here in my seat. All I did here was to put my head down and bite my lip nervously but it doesn't help either.

"Can I help you?" someone came beside me. I put my head up and looked where to the voice came.

"Um, yeah. I-I mean n-no. Thank you anyway. I'm fine." I stuttered. No I wasn't ready to see her. I never was ready for her.

"I'm Nico. You know her?"

"Niall." I shook his hand.

"I'm her friend." I continued hesitantly.

"Friend?" he asked. I just shook my head even though I know she probably wouldn't categorize me as a 'friend'.

"Well then, you're the first. Niall do you want to go inside? Its a bit cold here." He looked at me while he was sipping his coffee.

"Oh. Maybe. She. You know, doesn't want me to bother her." making excuse of my fear of seeing her.

"She wouldn't know..." His face dropped.
something's not right, I thought.

He motioned me to the room as he opened the door and the first thing I laid my eyes on was Iya.

She laid there with an oxygen hose in her nose. She is laying down unconcious but not peaceful like before. She's pale and lonely.

I sat down on the wooden stool beside the right side of the bed watching her with her every breath I couldn't believe I let her be like this and the worse part is this was all my fault. If something happens to her I couldn't live with myself.

"I'd leave you two alone but I'll just be outside if you need me." Nico said as tapped my shoulder before he went outside.

I reached out for Iya's cold hand, I held it tight and I breathed deeply as I talked to her and this time once again, she can't even hear me again.

Will she ever gonna hear me say these words I always kept inside me?

"I said I love seeing you sleep but not like this Iya. Never like this. It kills me to see you being hurt." especially now that its my fault.

I held her hand closer to my chest, beside my beating heart that always beats irregularly because of her.

But will she ever know that?

"I promise you the moment you wake up I will gather up all my courage to say how much I want to hold your hand like this, how I found your lips very irresistible and how much you make my heart be like this."

"I want to tell you what is in here. That's the best thing I can do for both of us." I continued as I held her firmly against my chest.

I tucked a strand of her brown locks behind her ear. She looks so pale and it kills me just seeing her laying down here in so much pain.

"I love you Iya. I know you're not hearing this now but I assure you next time I tell you this you'll be hearing every single word."


Niall. Niall. Niall.

This name keeps repeating inside my head keeping me preoccupied as I sipped on my coffee. The bitter taste of espresso sliding down my throat burns so much more than it should, it was as if truth has a taste and that's what is tastes like only a hundred times more painful.

I just saw him again. I talked to him once again.

He was the same boy in the picture Nica gave me, he can be my brother and now I saw him personally I am certain that he really is my brother. His eyes were same as they were when we were younger.

I stood up from the waiting bench outside the room and grabbed the door knob of Iya's room, before I could even open the door I saw Niall kiss the back of Iya's hand and her other hand's fingers moved.

She was now regaining her conciousness, she probably is a bit better. It all happened because he was here, only he can make her feel better like always.

He is finally here, Edward is back. He came back when Victoria needed him most.

A/N: I'm feeling so bad that I haven't updated for a long time and this wasn't a long chapter but please continue supporting this story.

It gives me so much happiness when I see the reads and votes pile up also when you share your thoughts on this story, so continue doing so. I love you so much ❤

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