Chapter 16- Pathetic

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A girl. So it turns out that I've been losing thousands of pounds because of a stupid girl.

This is one of the reasons I doubted to invest to a boy band composed with hormonal teenagers boys. They're probably not teenage but its still the same, they even act like five-year old boys.

I decided to talk to the boys today after the little confession I forced Liam into.

I called Paul Higgins last night to remind the boys to meet me at the record label's main office. I couldn't go to the studio because I've got a ton of work to do.


I was talking to one of Simon Cowell's assistants when Niall and Harry arrived. The assistant excused himself as the boys sat at the magenta couch parallel to the couch that I was seating on.

"I think you already know why I called you." I started the conversation with the very used and worn out introduction to a meeting. Yes, you can say I'm lame.

"We do. We'll fix it. Promise." Harry said looking down at the brown mahogany coffee table between us.

Looking at them you can say they're lying but there's also a hint of sadness.

Sadness? Feel sadness for a girl? If you ask me, its a worthless thing to fight over.

I stayed silent for a while. Niall's hand was shaking as he held the cup of tea served before him.

"Mr. Horan?" I looked at him intently straight within his dark blue eyes.

"Yes. Um. Fix it. We will fix it-" He struggled finding the words to say. Something's wrong, its quite evident.

"You don't know how much money I'm losing with this little game of yours." I spoke as calm as possible.

"We're gonna be okay. I mean, we just need to talk." Niall said to me trying to convince me. But the tone of his voice gives me the idea that he's lying.

"We're really sorry Iya." Harry sighed deeply.

"Something's really wrong. And I'm neither stupid or blind not to see that. Fix it now. I'll leave you here so you can talk. I'll be coming back after an hour. I expect you to work on this." I demanded, their aura here is just different. Their expressions are dark and their accents just got a little bit deeper.

I stood up and walked over to the door. This shoes I was wearing is making sounds as it hit the floor. When I got out I walked down the stairs making my heels sound with every step.

After 15 minutes, I planned to eavesdrop so I removed my shoes and I walked towards the studio. I was careful not to make any sounds.

I got near to the tinted glass window at the side of the room and listened to their conversation.

"It's all your fault Harry." Niall said.

"My fault? It was you who shoved me at the studio, may I remind you that's how she knew about it." Harry scoffed.

"You're no good. For Iya or for anybody else!" Niall beemed loudly back at Harry.

Iya? What? How am I involved in this? I'm confused.

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