Chapter 11- Jealous

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After eating my breakfast. I started to get ready for work.

I started the car and drove. And all I was thinking,

How will I say sorry to her?

Or why don't I just let it pass like nothing happened. I meant it anyway.


I woke up with Niall sleeping against the back of a wooden chair facing me.

He looks peaceful sleeping. He's still smiling even when he's a asleep. He's really nice to look at to.

I tried to push his chair with my legs in attempt to wake him up.

He did move and slightly and he wrinkled his nose then I think he fell asleep again.

"Niall?" I whispered still seating at the couch.

No response.

"Niall?" I repeated slightly louder this time.

And he's still not waking up.

I tried for the last time,

"NIAAAALL." I shouted near his left ear.

He surprisedly woke up and shouted "NUGGETS!".

I tried not to laugh but his face is really funny. I started to laugh.

He just looked at me and asked "What just happened?"

"I think you were looking for a nugget." I chuckled softly.

"Iya. You just interuppted my Eat-all-you-can-nuggets dream. You're really rude " he pouted.

He looks like a 5 year old that just lost his balloon.

"How long have I been sleeping?" He said while looking at his phone.

"We've been asleep for a while I think." I fixed my dress.

"Is this yours?" I asked as I was holding up a black leather jacket I found above me before I sat up.

"Umm, Ye-yeah." He nervously chuckled.

"Oh. Here." I smiled weakly.

"God. You're not ma-mad?" His eyes went big.

"Why would I be?"

"I thought you'll be mad that I tried to disturb you while you're sleeping and you're gonna hate me. I can't live with you hating me because I li-..." He paused mumbling and face palmed himself.

"What? You're mumbling your words I couldn't understand a word... But I'm not mad."

"Good. Stupid mouth." He muttered.

He slapped himself after that and I was surprised. He just laughed about it and it made me laugh as well. He's really nice to be with.


I chose to take the stairs so I have more time to think what I shall say.

Every step I take the louder my heart beats. And all I can hear is the hard thumping of my heart before my ears.

All of a sudden I felt the urge to practice I was literally talking to myself,

Umm, H-hi. Victoria I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't meant it I promise!

No, that's really bad. It gives some sort of message that I don't like her. But I do. So much.

Look I really really like you. Do wanna have dinner tonight?

That's perfect if I want to be high fived with a chair...

And the last choice I've got,

I mean all I said yesterday, I think I'm falling for you. I'm sorry if I say I need you but I don't care I'm not scared of love..., no that's from our song. Its cheesier than a chic flick.

"Oh. F*ck it." I messed my hair out of frustration.

I arrived at the studio and heard people laughing. So I decided to peek at the glass window beside the studio.

I saw Niall in Victoria having a good time laughing.

I don't know why it hurts. It freaking does.

I put my right hand on my chest. It tightening, I couldn't breathe. There's a big lump in my throat.

Why do I feel like this? They're not doing anything wrong... Why am I breaking inside?

Niall's like a brother. And I think he'll back off if I said I like Victoria. Maybe they're just talking no reason to get mad right.

Why am I so jealous?

A/N: Hey. I'm nearing 900. Thank youu. ;) Third chapter update todaay bc I'm greatful. :)x Sorry for some crappy chapters :( I'll try best next timee :)



Zayn shaved his head. I dyingg. It hurts. Where did they put is miraculous hair? Im going nuts rn. Haha. ;p #IStillHateThatGreasyTurkeyNaughtyBoy.


Always know that there's someone who loves you more than you know. :) Trust me there is, you're special. ××

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