What comes around goes around

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Warning: Language and sick things obvi

There will be a few more parts, you'll see what I mean or the title kinda says it.

Techno's 16

Wilbur's 15

Tommy's 12

Tommy P.O.V

I woke up that morning feeling like shit. I look at my calendar which is kinda blurry but I could make out what it says. Thank god it's Saturday, no school. I then only realize it's still dark out. I turn over to face my clock, 2:53 it reads. I sigh out loud knowing I went to bed at 12 and don't think I could fall asleep again. 

I slowly start to sit up, things go even blurrier again. I took a minute to adjust to the lighting fixture because the moon light was beaming into my eyes. When I adjusted I just looked around my room thinking about what I should do. My head hurt like hell and could probably explode any minute now. 

I flop back down on my bed sighing again. This is going to be a long night, maybe I could go into Wilbur's room. Yeah i'll do that, he wouldn't mind right? 

I slowly get up again with the same thing happening but it doesn't take that long to adjust as it did before. I then got out of bed and slowly walked to Wilbur's room. I stumbled at first and my head started to hurt more but I eventually made it. I slowly opened the door seeing Wilbur asleep. I quietly go up to the bed and get in and Wilbur stirred and awoke. "Tommy?" He said drowsily and sat up. "What are you doing?" He said a little more awake. "M-my head r-really hurts and I can't go back to sleep..." I said holding back tears mostly because I didn't feel good and a little from being embarrassed. "Aw Toms, that sucks." Wilbur said pulling me into an embrace. 

After a minute he pulls away and puts his hand up to my forehead. "You definitely have a fever Toms, can you wait here?" I nodded slowly and he helped me lay down then walked out of the room. I feel my eyes get heavy and close them for the darkness to overcome me.

Wilbur's P.O.V

I walk downstairs leaving Tommy in my room. I hope he's okay. I go to turn on a light that I know isn't bright enough to wake Techno or Phil up and then go over to a cabinet and grab a rag. 

I then walk over to the sink and barely turn on the water putting the rag under the tap. Once it was pretty wet I turned the tap off and squeezed out some water till it wasn't really dripping. I then turn the light off and walk up the stairs and into my room. I see Tommy asleep and smile at his relaxed frame. 

I go toward him and put the rag on his forehead. I grasped his hand and rubbed my thumb over it, staring at Tommy for a little till I got in bed with him. I wrap an arm around him, pulling him closer to me and start to doze off.

Tommy P.O.V

I woke up to feeling warm and something was on my head. I opened my eyes and saw that Wilbur's arm was wrapped firmly around me. I moved a little until Wilbur spoke up startling me. "Morning Tommy, how are you feeling?" He asked me. I shut my eyes again and groaned not having the vocals to talk. I heard him sigh and he started to get up. When he got up I shivered turning more into myself. It was really cold for some reason. 

Wilbur came over and took the thing off my head and grabbed another blanket. "Stay here, i'll be back soon." I hummed in response and watched him leave the room. I looked at the time seeing it was almost 9 am. Then I heard the door being opened and had to roll over again. I saw that Wilbur brought Techno with him. I was thankful actually, Techno doesn't show affection that often but he is overprotective and will always help us. He also is the best at comfort even if he doesn't think so. As they walked closer it was harder to focus on them and I shut my eyes.

I felt someone sit beside me and opened my eyes again to see it was Techno. I slowly move my head on his lap and he lays his hand on my head and starts combing my hair. I then feel Wilbur sit down at my feet. "W-where's Phil?" I asked, my voice coming out dry and raspy. "He went out earlier before I could tell him you were sick." Wilbur said getting up and leaving the room again to do something. "You want me to call him?" Techno asked. I nodded my head slowly and started to sit up. Techno noticed what I was doing and sat me on his lap having me face him. I rested my head lazily on his shoulder as he took out his phone, dialed Phil and put it on speaker. It rang a couple of times till Phil answered.


"Hey Phil, sorry to bother but I wanted to let you know Tommy's sick today."

"Oh my, sorry I left unannounced, do you want me to come back, i'm not doing anything really important."

He looked at me and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, you should probably come, Tommy wants you."

"Alright, i'll be there soon."

He then hung up. "Phil's on his way." Techno said. Wilbur walked in the room with a glass of water and medicine. "Take this it'll help, alright Toms." I nodded my head and Techno grabbed the water from Wilbur and I took the pill. When I did Techno handed me the water and I drank it swallowing the pill, then I handed the water back to Techno and he put it on the nightstand. "Wanna go watch some TV?" I nodded my head a little bit eagerly. 

Techno picked me up and we went downstairs. He sat me on the couch and left the room. Wilbur then made me sit in his lap. "I'm making food, what do you guys want?" Techno said. "Probably something light like toast and butter or some shit." Wilbur responded, putting some random show on. 

I assume Techno nodded and he walked back into the kitchen. A few minutes went by till I heard the door being opened. "Hey Phil, Tommy's on the couch with Wilbur." I hear Techno say. "Thanks for notifying me about the situation, Techno." Phil then walked over to me and Wilbur. "How are you feeling?" He asked me. "My head really hurts, and my throat." I replied feeling a little dizzy as well. "That's it?" He said coming over to me asking as if he knew. "Dizzy..." I replied lousily and he sighed. "Food's ready." Techno said. Phil picked me up and off of Wilbur's lap and Wilbur stood up walking over to the kitchen. 

Phil brought me over and sat next to me. Wilbur, Phil and Techno started to talk about random things and I kind of tuned it out and continued to eat the toast Techno made slowly.

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