Lie detector gone wrong

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CW: Non- Sexual touch,  Facial dysmorphia,  Hearing voices of self doubt, Intrusive thoughts,  Anxiety attack? and stomach ache from stress.

Ranboo's P.O.V

We've been doing the lie detector for about an hour now, having breaks in between questions and one right now. Jack went to get water for us while Wilbur, Tubbo and I sat on the small couch. I was really anxious for my next question. I know what Tommy'll say and if the lie detector says lie, it's probably because he's nervous but I can't get my mind off of it. My leg starts to bounce and I tap my finger against the leg that isn't bouncing. I think Wilbur noticed because he put his hand on my knee applying pressure. I looked up at him and he was focused on his phone. "Calm down about whatever's making you anxious, it'll make others worried because we all know your habits." He said finally looking at me. Jack came back with water and saw and heard what was happening so he grabbed the hand that was still tapping and squeezed it sitting on my other side of me instead of where he was before.

We were about to start recording so Jack gave me a reassuring smile and went back to where he was originally and Wilbur moved his hand from my knee to laying his arm behind me on the back of the couch putting his phone away. "Ran, your turn." I stood up rubbing my hands together as Tommy spoke, "Please don't ask if I find you hot cause I don't, I don't, I don't." I stand next to him with my hands together in front of me. "Do you think i'm ugly without the mask and glasses?" He immediately answers, "No..." The lie detector person puts his thumb downwards. Everyone gasps as I wave and leave the room. "I don't! I fully don't!" Tommy yelled, I couldn't hear the rest as I was out of the room and down the hall.

I walked into the bathroom and slid down the door. He was just nervous... right?

He thinks you're ugly

What the? No, no he doesn't... he- I

He knows you're ugly

No stop!

That you're disgusting

I start shaking. Does he really think that? I- I am ugly and disgusting...

Wilbur's P.O.V

Ranboo walks out and almost slams the door behind him. Tommy starts yelling about how the lie detector was lying and about how he thinks Ranboo's hot while all of us go silent. "We should check on him." Jack says as he suddenly appears in front of me. I nod as we walk out the door to try and find them.

As we walk past the bathroom I pause and Jack turns around. "He's in the bathroom, I hear him crying." All of a sudden Tubbo comes running down the hall. "Sorry, I had to come with you." We nodded. I knocked on the door, "Ranboo? It's Jack, Tubbo and I. Are you okay?" There was a little bit of noise on the other side of the door along with the almost quiet crying. "Do you want one of us only?" No response except more shuffling. "How about we do this," I started again. "1 knock for me, 2 for Jack and 3 for Tubbo." We waited a few seconds till there were 2 knocks. We looked at Jack and backed up so Jack could persuade Ranboo to open the door.

Jack's P.O.V

Wilbur and Tubbo walk away and I stay by the door. "Hey Ran, it's just me now, can you move from the door so I can come in?" I heard them shuffle from the door. I slowly opened it to see Ranboo curled into a ball with their knees tucked to their chest and his arms wrapped around them. His mask was gripped tight in his hand and there were tears running down their face. I quietly shut the door so I don't alarm him. "Can I come over?" I said in the softest tone I could muster. He nodded and loosened his arms a bit. I went over and sat next to them. I opened my arms as a silent offer and they immediately leaped into my arms. I held them tight and they started shaking and crying even more. After a few minutes he still wouldn't calm down. I pulled out my phone and texted Wilbur about maybe getting Phil and then re-pocking my phone.

Wilbur's P.O.V

Me and Tubbo walked back into the room and saw Tommy pacing. When he noticed us he said, "Is he okay?" voice full of concern. "We don't know, he only wanted Jack to stay with him." Tubbo said. Just then I got a text from Jack saying that we might need Phil. 

"Jack said we should call Phil." Tommy immediately grabbed his phone and called Phil.

Tommy's P.O.V


"Phil, can you come to the recording?"

"To be in it?"

"No, I did something stupid and we need your help."

"What did you do?"

"Well Ranboo asked if I thought he looked ugly without the mask and glasses and I said no but the lie detector said that was a lie and practically ran out of the room and now Jack's with him."

"Alright i'm coming, and i'm sure that wasn't true, their reaction was probably just because it's a sensitive topic."


"I'll  be there soon."


I hung up and looked at the door as Jack walked back in. "He said he wanted to be by himself but I assume you called Phil so I let them be till Phil comes." We all nodded.

Tubbo's P.O.V

Phil walked into the room and I offered to take him to Ranboo. We got to the bathroom door and Phil knocked. "Hey mate, can I come in?" There was hesitance. "Sure..." He mumbled out. Phil opened the door and immediately hugged Ranboo, he continued to silently cry till Phil seemed to calm him down. 

We walked back into the lie detector room and Tommy ran to Ranboo and pulled him into a hug. "I'm so so so sorry." Ranboo hugged him back. "It's okay, guess I didn't mentally prepare myself enough, I know it isn't true." 

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Sorry again it takes so long

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