Still going because fuck sickness

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Sorry it's taking so long it's been kinda rough in school and stuff.

Warning: Language, Denial of sickness, Detailed(?) description of vomiting, and normal sickness symptoms.

Ranboo P.O.V

I woke up in my little house in the arctic feeling ill but we had a syndicate meeting later and I wasn't going to miss that over a little cold. I sat up and put my head in my hands and eventually I got up to make breakfast. My head was pounding and my ears were ringing. I ignored it and started to make some eggs and bacon, then grabbed some water.

After I finished eating I sat down and watched some random show on TV. After a minute or two I was feeling dizzy from staring at the bright screen. I immediately ran to the bathroom as I started to gag. 

After a while of basically just throwing up water and my breakfast my stomach had calmed down a bit. I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth out in the sink. I then checked the time to see that I had about an hour till the meeting. I decided to get dressed to pass time and to distract myself from the noises my stomach made. I decided to wear a random hoodie that Techno let me have and some comfy jeans, also to wear a mask hoping it would cover my sick expression at least a little. 

I then began to feel even more sick than I had before but again decided to ignore it and just put my jacket on along with my boots and went outside for some fresh air. I just stood outside trying to distract myself again but eventually it got too bad. I ran back inside and took my mask down just in time. 

After a minute or two I just sat there leaning over the toilet, spitting every now and then now and then. I just kept thinking about the meeting, there was no way I was missing it. I think Phil said it was going to be a really important one and I didn't want to miss something like that.

A few minutes later I got a message from Techno saying the meeting is now being held in 5 minutes so I quickly got up flushing the toilet again and washing my mouth out along with my hands. I then put my mask back on and started to go to the meeting.

I barely was out of my house when I saw Phil also coming out of his house too. "Hey mate!" He yelled. I just waved at him afraid that if I spoke i'd have a stronger urge to throw up again. I was also afraid that my voice would betray me. 

I started to follow Phil to the meeting. One thing that I now liked about the meeting room was that it wasn't as bright as it was outside but then there was one downfall. There was a screen set up so I just looked at the floor. "Hey Phil, Ranboo!" Niki said as we entered the room. "Hey Niki and Techno!" Phil said back. I again just waved at them both quickly. When we sat down I saw Phil give me a slightly concerned look like he knew what was happening. I have to agree that I was usually more talkative but as I said before I didn't want to talk. Also if they asked why I was silent I could just say I was tired.

After everyone was settled in their respective seats Techno began talking about random shit that I just ignored and zoned it out. I was just focusing on not throwing up or showing any signs that I was sick. I carefully put my hand on my stomach which kinda helped, I guess. I also tried to not hunch over because I knew that, that would be a dead give away. 

I eventually tuned back in and started to listen to what Techno was saying to, again try to distract myself from the pain.

After a few minutes of giving non-verbal answers to questions Techno asked us, he asked me a question. "Are you okay Ranboo, you've been awfully quiet?" I nodded and responded, "Yeah, i'm just tired." I said my voice was raspy. Techno sighed turning the screen off as Niki came and crouched down beside me rubbing my arm. "Can you answer me truthfully, do you feel ill?" Techno asked. I just nodded biting my lip when Niki pulled my mask down. 

Phil immediately noticed what was wrong and hurriedly asked Techno to grab a bag. Techno looked at me and realized as well and immediately grabbed a paper bag from the side and handed it to Niki. 

Then Techno left to get a water bottle and Phil took over Niki's position as Niki struggled with this stuff. She just didn't know what to do in this situation and Phil, being a dad, had loads of experience from Wilbur who had a weak immune system. I let out the bile when I felt that I couldn't hold it in anymore and Phil just patted my back. 

After a few minutes I leaned back and Phil took that as a sign that I was done and went to discard the bag while Techno came back and handed my water and another paper bag to spit in.

When Phil came back he helped me home through the snow and on to my bed. I then saw him call someone. "Hey Phil, what do you need?" I heard Tubbo's voice come through the communicator. "Hey Tubbo, can you come over to Ranboo's house, he's caught something." Phil said as calmly as possible. "Oh, yeah i'll be there in about 5 minutes!" Tubbo replied and hung up.

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And that's a rap. Again sorry it took me so long I had difficulty with some thing but yeah there might be a part 2 but we'll see. Have a good one!

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