What comes around goes around (Part 2)

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Warning: Vomiting, Language

Wilbur's P.O.V

Tommy's feeling a lot better which is great but, I think i'm starting to get sick or something.

 I awoke to the blinding sunlight with a stomach ache and a headache. I lied still for a few minutes till I felt like I was going to throw up. I jumped out of bed and into the on suite. (Is that what it's called and/or spelled?) I got over the toilet and started to convulse violently and started shaking. 

After a minute or two I heard someone run into my room. "Wilbur are you okay?" I heard Techno say. He then walked over to the bathroom and crouched down next to me. "Hey..." He said. I leaned on him and he re-positioned us to him being against the wall and me curled into him and started to rub circles on my back. I saw him pull out his phone and text Phil not wanting to scream as to not hurt me. 

The next thing I know is that i'm being picked up and being laid onto my bed. For some reason me and Techno were the people who were clingy when sick so when Techno started to walk away I grabbed the back of his shirt. He turned around looking me in the eyes and I tried to muster my best puppy eyes. He sighed and laid down next to me his head being against the back of the bed. I immediately was pulled onto his lap and I snuggled more into his chest.

After a while I heard someone walk in. "How is he?" I heard Phil's voice. "I assume he's just tired and just feeling icky." Techno said. Well that's true, I am extremely tired and i'm just having trouble falling asleep. 

I adjusted my head and tried pushing my head further into Techno's chest. Then I felt Techno re-adjusting with his hand on the back of my head lightly pushing it into his chest. "Call me if something bad happens, alright." Phil said and then I heard the door shut. Techno sighed and he started to play with my hair. "Wanna change into something else?" I nodded he helped me go into the bathroom and handed me some warm pajamas.

After I changed I went back to Techno who was waiting quietly for me to be done. I didn't sit for some reason I didn't really feel that well and I was kinda zoning out. Techno noticed this and helped me back into the position we were in before. I started to fall asleep after a few minutes of him playing with my hair.

When I woke up Techno was still playing with my hair but with his other hand he was on his phone. I groaned and shifted close to him for more warmth. "Hey buddy." I just hummed so he knew I heard him.

All of the sudden he picked me up pushing my head into the crook of his neck and started walking to I assume downstairs. "Hey Phil." Techno spoke up after we reached, to what I presume to be the dining room. "Hey Tech, Tommy's off at school so it's just us, i'm making some soup for Will but what do you want." Oh yeah, food, not great when I could throw up and I don't want to do that again. "I'll just have grilled cheese, if that's okay?"

Techno set me down in a chair and moved the chair next to me closer and sat down. I leaned my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around me. "What time is it?" Techno asked. " 12:28, around lunch if you weren't sure." They both laughed.

Suddenly I started coughing rapidly. Techno rushed to rub and pat my back whispering things to reassure me that it's all okay. Once the coughing fit was over Phil gave us our dishes, picked me up, sat down, and put me on his lap. "Eat, it's good for you, it's only chicken noodle soup." I picked up my spoon and started to eat.

About an hour later we were watching TV till something started rising in my throat. I ran to the bathroom spilling all of the soup I ate earlier into the toilet. In a minute tops Phil was next to me reassuring and comforting me. I started to cry, hating the way I feel. "Hey, it's okay, you're okay, Techno's okay, Tommy's okay, i'm okay, it's gonna be okay." He pulled me to his chest when I hadn't thrown up in a minute and rubbed my back. 

Techno then walked in with some medicine and water handing it to Phil and then him helping me take it.

A few hours later Tommy came home and rushed to take his things off to run to me. He started asking questions, too fast for me to understand any of them. "Tommy, Will's okay, you should do your homework, besides I don't want you getting sick again." Tommy looked me up and down but complied and went to his room.

Oh how much I hate being sick.

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Not that much long only about 900 words but I tried!

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