Sick camp (Part 2)

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CW: Panic, Panic attack, Facial dysmorphia, Phil, Wilbur, Niki and Eret comfort(Eret likes to use nicknames), and minor mention of sickness.

Ranboo's P.O.V

Phil and I got to the pharmacy and went to get some medicine. While we were looking I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and turned around. "Hey are you Ranboo and Philza?" The girl asked. The moment she said that I internally panicked. I wasn't wearing my mask, this person could see my ugly face. I saw her disceretly take a picture but was too worried that I didn't say anything. Phil stepped in front of me, "Yeah, hey mate." I was thankful he did that even though he wasn't tall enough to cover my face, at least he brought the attention away from me. "Can we get a picture?" Phil smiled. "Sure, just give me a minute." He turned around to face me and pulled out a bandana. "Tie it around your head." I whispered a thank you and did as he said. We took a picture and they left us alone. "You can keep the bandana." I nodded and we went to the check out.

Phil's P.O.V

We got back in the car and Ranboo seemed unfocused and looked like they were about to cry. I grabbed his hand from where it sat on his leg and he squeezed it breathing out. They haven't taken their bandana off since I gave it to them and they normally take it off around us. "You okay?" He hesitated before saying "It'll be fine." I sighed knowing I wont get an answer. 

We got back to camp and they immediately walked further into the woods. George came up to me, "Are they okay?" I sighed. "I think he needs some space, some fans came up to us and he wasn't wearing his mask. They told me that their facial dymorphia has been getting bad." George nodded and looked sad.

I sighed, "Anyway, how's Tommy? We got him some medicine." I asked. "He's doing okay, the medicine will definitely help though." I handed it to him and he walked over to where I suppose Tommy was.

Wilbur's P.O.V

Tubbo has been around Tommy, helping him all day and I think he's getting sick too. I then heard a twig snap behind me so I turned around and saw Ranboo walking further into the forest with Phil's bandana covering his face. I was about to follow them when Eret and Niki came up to me. "Where are you going?" Niki asked me. "Ranboo went further into the forest seemingly upset, I wanted to make sure he's okay." Eret and Niki looked concerned. "We'll come with you then." I smiled and nodded. we went in the direction Ranboo went and saw him sitting on the edge of a bridge above the river. "You okay Boo?" Eret asked. He looked up at us with tears in his eyes. Niki went over and hugged them. "Can I take the bandana off?" He violently shook his head and backed away from Niki. Me and Eret went to sit down next to them. "Did something happen bud?" They nodded. "Is that why you're wearing Phil's bandana?" They nodded again. I put my hand on his back and he didn't move away so I started to rub it.

We waited there for a few minutes until, "We can go back now." He stood up and so did we. "Alright, lets see what happened while we were gone even if we were gone for a few minutes." I said as the others nodded.

When we got back Phil came up to us. "How you feeling mate, sorry about earlier." Phil apologized. "It's alright."

Ranboo's P.O.V

I parted with Wilbur, Niki and Eret as Phil approached us. "Can I ask why? I know like ,they saw your face and what not but it seemed to freak you out more?" I sighed. "I saw her take a picture in secret and i'm nervous she's going to post it and then everyone will see my ugly-" Phil hugged me. "Don't say that, ever." I nodded and hugged him back. We pulled away after a moment. "Hey Ran?" I heard Dream from behind me. "So you can't sleep in the same tent as Tommy and Tubbo so you don't  also get sick because Tubbo has it now so you could either sleep with Karl and Quackity, Wilbur and Techno, Niki and Eret or Bad and Skeepy." He said. "Can I stay with Quackity and Karl for tonight and i'll see if I want to stay with them." Dream nodded and Phil smiled. "Alright i'll let them know."

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To be continued, i'm carrying this out

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