Chapter 8: Eh, eh

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Niall's POV:

"Niall! Get in here!" Harry yells from his hotel bedroom. I pull myself off of the uncomfortably stiff couch I was distractedly watching TV on. Okay, I wasn't watching it at all. I can't think straight right now. Ariana broke up with me last night. With her recording her first CD and Sam & Cat, and me just going on tour, our schedules were just too much. My heart's broken, but maybe a little distraction will help.

I walk into Harry's room and find him sitting on a chair in front of his desk in front of his laptop.

"Niall, you have to watch this!" My gaze shifts downward.

"Oh Lord Harry, put some pants on already!" He rolls his eyes but puts his clothes on.

"You happy now?" He asks spreading out his hands.

"Very," I reply with a smile. After he slips a t-shirt over his head he sits back down and gestures for me to sit next to him on the floor. He has a video buffering on our official 1D Facebook page. He starts it and its of some teenage girls in a mall getting interviewed. The creepy interviewer asks Katrina a couple questions and its getting kind of boring. I guess this is the grand prize winner of the writing contest.

"Well Katrina, you are a lucky girl. Which one of the boys are you most excited to spend the day with?" I roll my eyes because its probably Harry or Zayn or Liam. Never me or Lou. She doesn't answer but her friend does, who reminds me of Louis.

"Niall's her favorite. You should see her room! It's completely covered in pict- OW!" Katrina steps on her foot, making Harry and me laugh. Harry elbows me.

"Eh, eh, come on man, she's pretty cute." I blush and look at the floor.

"Shut up," I mutter to him. Of course Louis, Liam and Zayn walk in right then.

"What's Harry shutting up about?" Louis asks, sitting down on the bed. Harry puts his arm around me before he answers.

"Oh the winner of the writing contest is cute and obsessed with Niall."

"Lemme see!" Louis exclaims and runs over to us. "Oh. Yeah she's pretty cute, but she looks like she's 14 or something. Now her friend is hawt," he says pointing at the girl who said Katrina liked me. Harry plays the video again and he grins when they show another of Katrina's friends who's worried about Katrina messing up her hair. This time I elbow him.

"Eh, eh, come on lad, she's pretty cute." He shakes his head.

"Nah." I raise one eyebrow and glance up at him.

"You don't think she's cute?" I ask in confusion, thinking he must be blind.

"Nope." He grins down at me. "She's sexy!" I laugh and roll my eyes. Typical Harry. The interview ends and we both stand up. "Do you like that girl, Niall? Because we'll be spending a whole day with her." I shrug because it doesn't really matter.

"Lou was right. She's like 14 so it doesn't make a difference if I like her cause I'm not about to date a 14 year old." Although, something about her is almost addicting, like I just have to know more about her. What are you saying, Niall? No, just no. I'm not going to like a 14 year old.

~Under Age~ A Niall Horan Love Story **COMPLETED**Where stories live. Discover now