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It was very late at night, I suddenly woke up and I felt uneasy. I turned around to check on Luigi but he wasn't there. I then turned my attention to my alarm clock

4:00 am

'4:00 am?' I thought to myself. What could he be doing at this time,  he was a heavy sleeper unless he stood up to grab a glass of water. But I immediately discarded the idea because I noticed the full glass of water on our night stand. Then where was he?

I stood up and checked the bathroom, kitchen everywhere. I began to panic. I had no idea where he was, even going as far as looking under the bed, closets. Nothing. He was nowhere to be seen. My back leaned against the wall, defeated, tears streaming down my face. After a while, I heard some steps approaching my room.

I wiped the tears off my face and quickly opened the door to see Mario looking worried. "Where is Luigi?" I tried my best not to break down. I think I know where he went but I don't understand why. He handed me a note that he found in his room.


I know we promised to each other to not go back to Brooklyn unless we go together, but I failed my fiancée and I can't forgive myself for my mistake.
I'm on my way to make it up to her. I'm going to her old apartment to retrieve something that means the world to her.
I'll see you today before noon. 


My eyes widened I knew what he was after; my old camera. "(Y/n) what is he talking about?" The older brother asked. I began to explain the whole thing about my engagement ring and how he lost it.

"But I told him that it will be alright, I don't need a ring I just needed him and well that camera.. it only has pictures I took when I was a journalist years ago, it was just expensive and my first one! But I don't think we can't do much other than wait."

Mario didn't say anything he sat down thinking of what to do next. "How about we wait and if he doesn't return before noon I'll go out and look for him. I stood up "Ill go with you"

"You can't (Y/n), you have to stay here in case he comes back home." Helpless, I simply nodded and sat back down on the couch. I was worried because the area where I lived wasn't really a good one. I guess I'll just hope for the best.

Ir was finally noon and still no sign of him.

Mario put on his hat on his way out. I waved him goodbye. And sat there in front of the door waiting, staring at the door knob hoping for it to twist and reveal my fiancé. I didn't realize how little sleep I got that morning so as time passed my eyes began to feel heavier and heavier. My body was tired and stressed out. I soon passed out, I couldn't stay awake anymore.

Then I heard it. A knock at the door. I wake up, startled. The knock continued, soon I managed to put on my shoes quick enough, my feet almost tripped as I attempted to run towards it, I opened the door only to find Toad at my doorstep.

"(Y/n), you have to come to the castle with me right away!" He said agitated, Toad hopped onto Yoshi "Come on, there is no time to waste" I nodded not knowing what he was talking about. I grabbed the ends of my dress to get on Yoshi's back and off we went.

 To Capture A Queen (King Boo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now