Moving forward

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We finally arrived at Princess Peach's castle. We both hopped down from Yoshi. "Follow me!" The little Mushroom man said as he waved his arm at me.

It took us a couple of minutes of running inside the long hallways of the enormous castle until I finally saw Mario and Peach looking distressed as they exited one of the rooms.

"(Y/n)! Thank goodness you're here! Come in please! Luigi got into an accident and I fear he won't have much time left!" Peach desperately said to me as she pulled me into the room.

I couldn't believe this was happening everything felt surreal, some of Peach's subjects were dressed in lab coats running around. Then I saw him, laying in a bed attached with some monitors. "Luigi!" I brokedown, seeing him in this state broke my heart. I felt like dying.

My hands gently caressed his face, then his eyes slowly opened. "Luigi.." I whispered. My eyes began to water, everything was happening so fast but at the same time it felt like an eternity until I heard the familiar voice calling me by my name "(Y/n)?.." my fiancé said weakly. "Yes Luigi? it's me love I'm here" my body moved closer, his eyes slowly opened "It's really you.." He smiled at me lightly.

"I.. I-I'm sorry (Y/n).. I wish.. I could stay longer.. with you" Luigi said between heavy breathings, my heart sank to my stomach, it can't be.. he was really leaving, this was not fair! He is a good man why is this happening to him!? To me!?

"You're going to be alright my love, just hang on, we are doing all we can"
I reassured him but deep down I knew that nothing else could be done.

My hands held his, I then felt a gentle squeeze. Gasping, I looked up to him, he was smiling, his head was slightly lifted up from a few centimeters from the pillow. His eyes were shining or maybe it was because of the bright lights in the room "(Y/n).. I.. will" he paused to catch his breath "A-always.. love you."

I saw life slip away from his body, his eyes slowly turning off, his hands lost grip from mine. He was gone. I began to scream and cry hysterically. I was blinded by my tears I gently shook his body calling out for him to wake up 'Luigi?! Luigi?!'

I was so distraught, I couldn't feel Mario and Peach trying to pull me away from the bed. My face felt hot from anger, why pull me? He is gone I need a few moments with him!

"Calm down (Y/n) I know you're hurting, we all are, please just give yourself a moment to breathe!" I gave up fighting both of them, it's not like I could resuscitate him anyway, so I collapsed on my knees, Mario helped me by sitting me down on a nearby chair. I cried my eyes out until they couldn't no more.

"The apartment was abandoned when he arrived, the roof collapsed on top of him.. he was losing a lot of blood, he wanted me to bring him back here.. to see you" His brother informed me, I could see he was trying his best not to cry in front of us. "I simply complied with his wish, that's all he wanted" he looked at me, we were both lost for words to say. "I'm sorry (Y/n), this is tragic" Peach said softly.

My head hung low, my whole world, my future, had crumbled before my very eyes. I was no longer having a wedding, I had no fiancé, I was single and alone. Almost as if I had no reason to live. Luigi wasn't here, I knew how much he wanted to be with me, we both wanted a family, we wantedto be the happiest and loving family but now thats just an illusion that wont come true. Now what? I don't think l will meet someone who loved me as much as him.

Some weeks later

After the funeral services were over and after saying my final goodbyes to whom I one day was supposed to call my husband. As I opened up my umbrella under the somber sky to protect myself and my dress from the light rain was soon approached by the princess herself.

It was interesting seeing her wear black, she was always wearing those lively colors but today wasn't the occasion. She handed me a medium pink box with a bow. "I'm sorry if maybe this isn't the right moment but I'm not sure if I'll see you soon again since you're moving out from Mario's home to your own place but i wanted to give you this"

I looked at the box not sure what it was so I asked. Peach hesitated "I-It's the dress me and my subjects made for your wedding, I know youre going through a hard time but I want you to keep it" I nodded slightly not sure what else to say,  but at the same time I was curious to see how it turned out "You can do anything you'd like with it" she finally added trying to break the uncomfortable silence. Peach gave me a hug before leaving, wishing me the best. I did the same thing too.

I was once again on my own.

 To Capture A Queen (King Boo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now