Living Dead

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It's been days since me and my King decided to return to the mansion. I was greeted with plenty of enthusiasm from the Boo's and received a lot of new ghostly clothes for a royal. As I tried them on one by one I realized as I modeled in front of the mirror that my stomach didn't appear to look big when I first got the news that I was expecting.

A knock at my door interrupted my time exploring my new body. "Come in" I answered to the person on the other side. "Good evening my Queen" a handsome looking Boo greeted me. "Good evening your majesty" I said as I made a quick vow. I had no idea why I did it but oh well.

"Enough formalities my love you are to call me anything but your majesty" he said as he teasingly poked my nose. Then again he surprised me as his hands took me by the waist and turned me around to face the mirror.

His head leaned in closer as we both stared at ourselves in the mirror "Look at us, we make a lovely couple" he smirked. "I look forward for you to become my bride and officially make you my Queen." His warm breath made my skin shiver. "You make my body tremble my King" I teasingly said disregarding what he said earlier about formalities. "That's not all I can do with your body my dear" His fingers slowly played with my hair then made it's way to my neck. Forcing me to lift my head up, more than I was comfortable with.

"You will no longer feel pain in your heart or your body, I promise to make you happy and I promise to adore you for eternity (Y/n)." He whispered. His lips met my neck for a few seconds then I was free from his embrace. "Enjoy trying on the dresses, I will see you tonight at dinner."

With that said, King Boo exited the room leaving me and my gloomy gowns. Once again I turned to look at myself in the mirror.

I admired my new self, it was like me but different, born once again. My heart began to race when I noticed my stomach grow a little more. 'This one is growing fast' I thought to myself.

'You will no longer feel pain in your heart or your body'

His words echoed in my head. I hope he was telling me the truth. In all honesty I really haven't felt pain. And at this point I've been over the loss of Luigi, but now I have a new conflict that keeps consuming me. The reality of the situation hit me when I realized I never had a choice to continue being a mortal. This child of mine intervened and there is nothing I could do to go back in time.

I'm stuck here forever, surprisingly it's not a complaint since I can continue doing the things I used to do when I was a young mortal.

But there are also some other things I wanted to accomplish and do. One of them is getting married. And I believe tonight's dinner would be the perfect occasion to talk about it. I'm sure the King would be delighted.

But I'm not sure what his views are when I tell him what I'm planning to wear on our special day..

 To Capture A Queen (King Boo x Female Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon