Moving Forward Part 2

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My new home was fairly smaller than where I used to live with the Mario brothers. Despite knowing that I would probably be alone for a very long time, with the help of Mario and Toad we settled my old bed in my room. It was a queen size but it didn't matter, I loved big beds.

But every other night, I would wake up to look at the empty spot to my left hoping that maybe, MAYBE this was all a dream and Luigi would be lying there next to me. No matter how hopeful I was, he was never there.

I missed him.

I decided not to go back to Brooklyn since I've grown to love the mushroom kingdom. Plus, my friends lived here so I didn't want to leave them. It's not like I had anyone back there anyway. I'd probably be living on the streets.

Tonight was no different than the others, I woke up, turned to my left side, looked at the empty spot, finally..  feel sad. I sighed as I gripped the blanket tight. It was late at night, soon enough I fell asleep.

I felt light bothering my eyes, I squirmed at the uncomfortable feeling. So I opened my eyes and I realized I was no longer in my bed, I looked around to scan the place, it looked familiar, it was sunny and very bright with flowers all around me. The blanket I was laying on looked like the one me and Luigi used for the picnic. I was still in my Pajamas, soon then, on the horizon. I saw a figure walking from the light heading towards me. It got even closer, I put my hand over me to block the bright light from hurting my eyes to get a better view.

It finally walked close enough to the point where I could at last see its features. "Luigi?" I called out with excitement in my voice.

I stood up and ran to him, he seemed happy to see me, we met halfway from where we were. I hugged him as soon as I got close to him. "Luigi! I'm so happy to see you!" I exclaimed as I hugged him even tighter. "I missed you too (Y/n)"

We held each other for a couple of minutes. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks "Luigi, why did you leave me?" I asked trying to contain my posture and not cry again.

"(Y/n), I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave you or anyone, I just went ahead and tried to do what I thought was right.. I didn't mean for any of this to happen"

"Please come back, I can't live without you, I'm torned from the inside, I don't think I'm capable of making it on my own" I pleaded.

"(Y/n), I don't have much time left to stay here, I have to go back, But first I wanted to tell you something, I care about you and I will always love you but I can't let you grieve your whole life. Not everything is about me" His hand caressed my face gently "Please, love again, don't drain yourself in grief, I promise it will get better" I looked him in the eyes and we both slowly leaned for a long kiss.

Slowly as our lips parted ways, he then took a step back. I wanted to reach out for him. "Good bye (Y/n). I love you!" He waved at me before walking back into the light.

I stood there not knowing what to do then everything turned dark again, the light faded. I was in my bed once again. 'He came back to say goodbye'

I was very happy to have seen him, and well I assume he was right. Sooner or later I had to move on. I then decided to open a drawer next to me, where I had all of me and Luigi's belongings, mostly photos and letters.

I spent the next hours looking at the pictures, laughing, crying and cringing at some silly things we did together, until I came across one that Mario took us on the night Luigi asked me to marry him. 'The ring' an idea popped out in my head. I know that Luigi told me to move on but I really wanted that ring back, I guess to have comfort of some sort. But where did he lose it? That's it. a Mansion. But where was it?

I immediately got up and turned on a lamp that unfortunately wasn't working very well but the dim light still helped a bit as I searched through a box full of documents.

Until I came across a map. I found it.

I was determined to enter that mansion full of ghosts to get the ring.

For Luigi.

 To Capture A Queen (King Boo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now