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"Your Majesty! A letter has arrived it's from (Y/n)!" A Boo exclaimed excitedly as he rapidly flew up the stairs. King Boo was found seated in his throne looking all grumpy but deep down he was sad that his darling little angel hasn't shown up to see him.

The doors split opened aggressively startling the King. "Goodness! Do you not know how to knock?" He said alarmed to the now apologetic Boo. "Sorry your majesty, but I git something for you" he handed him the letter.

King Boo read closely. And smiled as he read the girls name as the sender of the letter. He ripped of the enveloped and eagerly read the message. His smile soon disappeared, not because it was anything bad. But, he was really confused. "Why didn't she ask me for money? Why back to the Mushroom Castle?"

The Boo just shrugged not knowing what to say. "Well she really shouldn't take too long to come back, but if she does" he looked back at the quiet Boo "I swear to the dark moon I'll leave my Kingdom and bring her back!"

Meanwhile at the Castle

"It's been wonderful to have you here again, I wish you could stay here forever" Princess Peach said to me excitedly even though I've been here for more than 3 months ever since I've sent the letter.

"Well it's good to be back, but I'll have to go home anytime soon."

Peach must have noticed that I wasn't feeling well. She sat down next to me "(Y/n), you aren't being yourself lately. What's the matter?"

I stayed silent. But inside, I really wanted to tell her about how I think I was falling in love with the King. But at the same time I really didn't know how she would react. I'm afraid of losing her but she deserves to know. I reached out and grabbed her hands firmly. She was startled at my sudden movement.

"I have something to confess.." she looked at me wide eyed. "Ever since I got my ring.. I've had a relationship with the King of the Boo's.."

"And I think I'm slowly falling in love with him" I finally let go of her hands. She didn't say a word but she didn't take long and snapped out of her thoughts. "(Y/n).. I don't know what to say, but do you understand he's from another dimension different from ours?" I nodded slightly.

Peach held my face "If you happen to end up with him that means you'll have to become a ghost. Which also means your soul will be corrupted and chained to his dark kingdom. You'll never get to see Luigi again when you die." Tears began rolling down my eyes.

"You don't want that do you?" She asked.

"No.." I said. I was scared.

I had no idea what I got myself into. I regretted meeting the King, I internally slapped myself because I felt so stupid going back for a ring that eventually unfolded a lot of events and feelings. But another part of me didn't want to leave him.

"I promised I would go back and see him again when I returned home" I choked out. Peach sighed.

"Well I already warned you about the consequences, but in the end it's your decision to make."

I thanked her. And I just hoped he was right.

Before she left the room she asked me to stay more days so I could think about what to do. So I did, and spent more weeks at the Castle. But I couldn't help but feel physical pain I experienced after being so stressed out despite the Princess' efforts to help me relax.

At the Mansion

"She has been gone for a long time now. She promised she would be back soon but I don't think she understands  that I hate waiting." King Boo spoke to himself.

"What if something bad happened to her?" One of the Boos said as he trespassed the wall.

"What bad thing could have happen to her?" The King asked irritated. "She knows how to take care of herself!" His voice roared through the Mansion.

"I need to go get her, she must know that she shouldn't let her King waiting for six long months!" His subjects looked at their King with worry. Some of them were scared to see him in the eye, he was never this angry.

King Boo then took off to find the one he loved. He knew where she was, but in his heart he was afraid of losing her. His fear of him being alone for eternity was far greater than his anger and resentment towards her for leaving.

 To Capture A Queen (King Boo x Female Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz