The Dinner

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"My lady, My king awaits you in the dining room" A female voice called out from the other side of the door. I immediately put on my last earring before calling out that I'll be there soon.

I took a final look at myself, I seemed to be perfectly dressed for the occasion.

*At the dinner table

The Boo's had brought out many plates with food, setting it up at the inconveniently long table, and it was up to us to choose whatever we wanted, well more like tell the Boo's what we wanted.

We were almost halfway through our dinner when I saw the Boo's leave, they had been excused from their duties. So it was just me and King himself.

He look at me intently, he was no longer touching his food. I caught a glimpse of him looking at me as I ate. It was slightly uncomfortable and awkward since I've never had anyone stare at me while eating. I tried my best to be more interested on my food rather than him. But I was close to being full, so I knew I had to say something eventually.

"Is there something I can help you with?" I looked up and stared him in the eyes. He looked surprised, I don't think he was expecting me to call him out on it.

"I'm waiting" I said in a little more demanding tone as I crossed my arms against my chest. "You know very well that you and me have all night, so say what you have say." I was more irritated. Pregnancy can get your emotions going like crazy.

"You look very cute when you're angry" he finally said with a smirk on his face.

Oh boy, big mistake my guy.

"Oh yeah? well guess what your majesty, I'm about to get real fucking gorgeous!" I cackled.

He didn't say a word. If anything he was.. well 'white as a ghost'

"You know Boo, you're not giving me answers, but let me tell you something, I do not appreciate being stared at while I'm eating. Is that clear?"

He nodded as he sunk even more into his seat. "Good, now if you excuse me I need to go back to my room, I'm exhausted and I feel like I'm going to lose it even more if I continue being here." With that said I left.

As soon as her steps dissapeared King Boo then reached out for a bottle of wine that sat in front of him. He shakingly poured wine into his glass, as he tried to process what happened seconds prior. He wasn't going to make (Y/n) upset ever again.

 To Capture A Queen (King Boo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now