The Wedding

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I decided to take my time and put all the things Luigi gave me, back when we were dating, in a wooden box that I specifically requested.

Between the things he gave me like letters, jewelry and some other sentimental items I found my engagement ring. For the last time I put it on and admired it's beautiful stone before storing it away. I'd be lying to myself if I said that I don't think about how different my life could've been if he was still alive. But things are different now..

The Boo's began to work on the dress, they added some decorations like fake dead flowers. To give it a gloomy touch.

They did all the necessary changes you can imagine. It wasn't too little or too much. It was perfect.

"Try it on Lady (Y/n)"

I did as they said. And I can definitely say that I wasn't disappointed with their handiwork. King Boo didn't lie, they were very fast and talented too. It took no more than 2 hours for them to finish.

Luckily my bump wasn't too noticeable.

"I'll let my King know that you're ready, the other two will help with your make up" The ghost said before disappearing through the door.

I closed my eyes as the ghoul added shadows to my face. Just feeling the fluffy brush tickle my skin made me feel comfortable and relaxed.

My mind tried to wrap around the idea of me finally getting married. I couldn't believe it myself. I felt like it was happening so fast. It probably felt that way since the Boo's were helping me get ready.


The organ began to play a slow version of 'Here Comes The Bride' as the doors opened wide.

The little Boo; who was the first one to bond with me. Threw rose petals all the way to the altar. I was still around the corner waiting for the right moment to come out. When I finally felt like I was ready, I stepped into the view of all the Boo's and my King. I got a few gasps from the guests.

Meanwhile King Boo, looked at her flabbergasted. He knew that his bride was beautiful but was not expecting her to look absolutely gorgeous. His magenta eyes followed her as she got closer to him.

He offered a hand to help her get onto the altar. The couple were now facing each other as they held hands.

"You look.. breathtaking" He complimented. "Thank you" I said in response. "You look very sharp yourself" I whispered. "Oh this old thing? It's been ages since I last wore it" he said in a low tone as he referred to his suit. "Well it does make you look even more handsome" I said in response before we both shut up as the ceremony was about to begin.

"We are here together this day, to witness and celebrate the union of our King and his bride (Y/n). The union of two people makes us aware of the changes wrought by time. But the new relationship will continue to draw much of its beauty and meaning from the intimate associations of their past." The elder ghoul paused for a second. "I now pronounce this couple husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride"

He finally stated as I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. We heard a lot of cheers and clapping. And maybe a shotgun fire in the air.

"It's finally done" I said excitedly as I look up to my groom. "I am excited that I will be spending the rest of eternity with you." King Boo took my hands and kissed them.

He then turned to face the crowd. "Everyone, Let's. Have. Fun!" His mighty voice roared within the mansion. The whole atmosphere changed from gray and silent to loud and colorful. There was now music playing, some Boo's were playing games, some danced, and there was wine for everyone.

It was an absolute blast. Some Boo's began to throw confetti all over us. The whole thing was completely surreal. Who would have thought that the King would have such great tastes in parties.

He then took me by my hand and pulled me to dance with him. As everyone around us cheered. He had this loving look in his eyes.

I felt very lucky to be marrying him, it was at this point that made me realize  that some things happen for the better. And this was it.

The party went on for hours until we both got exhausted and finally had a chance to go to bed .

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2022 ⏰

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