The Dress

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It's been a couple of hours since the incident at the dinner table. I did feel bad for snapping at my soon to be husband, unfortunately its something I dont have any power over. "You're making me do all this" I said to my slightly bigger belly.

I couldn't wait for my child to be born, I already had plans and even made a list of names for each gender. My mind was filled with many scenarios, many of them included me and my child laughing, telling stories before bedtime, baking cookies.. just things that a normal mom and child would do, I wanted it with all my heart. Since I personally never had that experience when I was a young girl, I got these mostly from reading books and watching the people with children around me.

My hands gently caressed the bump as I hummed. Little did I know, someone else made himself present during the time I was bonding with my unborn child. Those magenta eyes watched my every move.

A light knock was heard on the bedroom wall "Am I interrupting something?" He asked as he let himself in.

My body shifted to his direction but my eyes did not meet his. I'd be lying if I said that I was feeling alright when in reality, I wasn't. But I knew that arguing wouldn't take us anywhere, so I swallowed my pride. "You're not, come in please, there is something I've been meaning to tell you"

His floating body sat down beside me "What's troubling you my dear?" His gloved hands caressed my face making me look at him.

It was finally time to tell him. "I'll be direct with you, I want to get married to you and become your Queen" This seemed to put him in a good mood.

King Boo smirked at the thought of you dressed in a wedding gown.

"But-" I raised my hand in front of him "I want to wear the dress I was meant to use before Luigi passed"

The King of the Boos did not make an effort to hide his disgust at your request. "Did you really think that I'd be alright with it?"

"Well it does have some sentimental value, specially since Peach made it for me and it's not like Luigi saw it in the first place. He never did neither have you"

"(Y/n) I don't think it's appropriate for you to wear something that was meant for you and him on our special day" King Boo said irritated.

"Well I don't think it's unreasonable" I protested. "It's just a dress"

"Well bad news my dear, because it is. And I don't want you to say his name again in my presence. And even though he's a dead man he is still giving me trouble!" He hissed angrily at me. "Why (Y/n)!? Do you still love him?" His voice echoed in the room.

My eyes widened in shock with tears streaming down. I didn't know what to say. I did feel deeply hurt about him assuming that I was still in love with Luigi when those feelings didn't exist anymore.

"You had a million ways to say no and explain yourself, yet you choose this. You hurt me."

The King's anger faded as he saw his future bride crying. He hated seeing her like that and for a moment he hated himself for being the cause of her tears.

"I'm sorry my love, I should have been more careful with my words" he wiped my tears. "You're right, there are other ways to find a solution to this dress."

"Perhaps a few modifications" He stated. "Just a few, to represent our kingdom."

I didn't think it was a bad idea, and he wasn't asking for much. "You know I think I might have an idea on how that would work out." I said as I thought about the many possible changes I could make for the dress.

It was finally decided and I'm glad we both found a middle ground.

"When do you want to get married?" He asked as he put his arm around me. "I believe it should be after my dress is ready"

"Then that would be pretty soon"

I looked at him surprised.

"My Boos are pretty fast and talented when it comes to clothes."

 To Capture A Queen (King Boo x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now