Dio Brando; Babies.

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I loved writing this so much🥹🥹🥹. Little Gio Fluff, and then some good ol spicy  Dio lemon🍋!
Kind of soft Dio, or respectful shall I say.
Breeding kink!!!

I know kid Giorno's name is technically Haruno, but since your his mama in this oneshot, let's just pretend his name was Giorno from the get-go.

"Once upon a time, there were three little pigs, and the time came for them to seek their fortunes and build their own houses," You murmured to the small-framed, black haired little boy that cuddled up next to you in his small bed. You sat, patiently reading him his favorite story of all time; a story you had probably reread three hundred million times already. But nevertheless, Little Gio loved it, and for him- you'd do anything.

"The first little pig built his house of straw, while the middle brother built his house of sticks. They were done with building their homes very quickly and without much work at all! Now, the third pig brother, he was the oldest among his siblings; and he decided to build his house of stone! Now, why you may ask? Well, this little pig knew that in the woods nearby, there were hungry wolves..." You trailed off, using an exaggerated story-tellers voice. The little one looked up at you with big gleaming eyes, filled with adoration. You grinned down at him as you read from the book.

"When the three houses were finished, the little pigs celebrated! They sang and they danced, and had a good time, didn't they, my angioletto?," Giorno nodded excitedly at you, a big smile on his face.
"After the celebration was over, the little pigs went back to their homes, but when the first little pig arrived, he noticed a big bad wolf lurking around outside! So he hid in the safety of his house, but since the house was only made of straw; the big bad wolf huffed, and he puffed, and he blew it all down easily! Oh no!."

"Oh no, mommy!." Giorno mumbled, pulling his blanket up to his chin. Silly boy. He always acted so concerned over the three little pigs, though he knew the story ended the same every single time.

"The first little pig then ran to his middle brothers house, which was made of sticks! The wolf showed up at his house now, and he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew his house down too! The two terrified little pigs ran to their eldest brothers home, a house made of brick, and when the big bad wolf arrived, he discovered he couldn't huff and puff, and blow it all down! Now, the wolf was angry that all three of the little pigs were happy and safe inside, so he decided to try and stuff himself down the chimney!."

"Down the chimney?!." Giorno gasped, acting shocked. "Yes! Down the chimney, little one!."

"But the eldest little pig was so smart, and he put a pot of boiling water underneath the chimney, and when the wolf climbed down the chimney and fell into it, he could no longer huff and puff and blow anymore houses down! The two younger pigs felt embarrassed for being so lazy and not putting the effort to build sturdier houses, but they were oh-so-greatful to their big brother pig for protecting them! They then followed in the eldest pigs footsteps and built their houses of bricks, just like he did! And the three little pigs lived happily ever after, and never had to worry about anymore big bad wolves destroying their homes!."

You closed the book, and sat it on the little wooden bedside table, next to Giorno's small bed. You ran your fingers through his black hair, and tussled it a bit. Oh, how you loved this boy.

"Are you tired now, little one? Are you ready for bed?." You cooed down to him, and he nodded, looking up with droopy blue eyes. "Yes, mommy."

"Good." You smiled at him and scooted out of his bed, beginning to tuck him in, when Giorno's little voice caught your attention.

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