Chapter 2 - Dream or a Nightmare

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      I woke up on something cold and hard. I rubbed my eyes and looked around at the scenery around me. Where was I?

   I could hear cars in the distance. Does that mean I'm in the city? I stood up and searched for some sort of sign that would tell me where I was,

I couldn't find anything. Nothing.

"Hello?" I called out.


 The last I remembered, I was sleeping peacefully in my bed. How did I end up here? Or maybe the better question was, Why did I have this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach?

It felt as if I had just eaten something rotten, like my stomach was having a battle with its self.

The only time I could remember feeling like this is when I was scared.

So is it Fear?

  If it is, what am I so scared of?

       I could hear voices coming from around the side of the large, abandon looking building I had woken up by. I heard the sound of male laughter on the side of the alley, making me shiver. I slowly picked up a shard of glass that was lying on the ground, just to be safe..

 They were probably some sort of gang. And getting mugged by some drunk tough guys was not exactly on my to do list today.

  I walked up to the side of the building and peered down the dark alley way, ready to run if anyone tried to attack me.

 I was just about ready to turn around and walk away, not wanting to get myself into some large drunk fight someone was having. But then I saw a face that was very familiar.

A light flashed down just enough were I could see the persons face clearly. I froze when I realized who it was.


   He was in the middle of the group and by the expression on his face he looked upset and annoyed.

"C'mon man, I don't want to start anything. Let me go." He pleeded in a upset exprsesion The other ones laughed and the guy in front pushed him up to the wall and held him by his neck.

"Not until you pay." he spat at him.

My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Pay for what?

He struggled to get out of his grip "I ain't paying for nothing." he said through his teeth.

 That really set the guy off.

  He through a hand up to hit him and the Adrenalin in me kicked in.

 I didn't think of anything, I just ran. "Hey, leave him alone!" I told the guys.

 They all laughed. The lead one let go off Harry and one of the other guys held his hands behind his back, making it were he couldn't get out of his grasp.

The lead guy walked up to me with a smirk on his face. "Hey guys, look what we have here." He came closer to me where we were face to face.

"Look kid, how about you go and skip away back to where you came from. Don't make me punch your face in too." He spat in my face, his breath reeking of alcohol.

  I gritted my teeth angrily and took a deep breath. "I said, leave him alone man. Don't start anything bad." The other guys made a 'Ooh' sound and the guy looked back at me with his eyebrow raised.

"Are you testing me boy? Don't think I wont kill you right here, right now. I said; BEAT IT." He yelled, shoving me backwards.

 I couldn't contain the anger the was building up in me. I held my fist back and threw my hand right in the face, punching him hard in the nose.

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