Chapter 13 - Be With Me

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  • Dedicated to Everyone Reading x

Sorry I havent been updating as much as usual... I've been a busy bee c:

But here you have it , Chapter 13 ; Be With Me.


  Two days had passed.

  Two days since everything has changed for me.

   Two days since I had finally admitted my love for Harry to the world.

Everyone took it better then any of us expecting us them to. Though some people have been rather harsh to us, many people were supportive and happy for us two.

 Our fans didn't leave. They were actually happy, no I take that back, they were thrilled with the news.

A lot of them told me it was quite obvious that we were together. They say that it was the look we gave each other that made all the puzzle pieces come together.

 They tell me that it was a look filled with passion, care, and happiness.

 A look filled with True Love.

 As for management.. They weren't very happy I had broken the contract.

They actually were trying to kick me out of the band for goodness sake.

But the boys refused to let them kick me out, It wouldn't be One Direction without me they said.

But it wouldn't be One Direction without any of us. Can you imagine One Direction without Liam, Niall, Zayn or even Harry?

 One Direction is a group made out of five people who are just doing what they love to do. Not Four, Not Three, no not even Two, But Five.

I think the fans can agree that we would never want that to change.

So here we are today, sitting in the flat we Harry and I own. We all sat on the couches and laughed at the past memories we had shared together as a group. It had been some of the best 3 years of my life.

  I looked over at Harry smiling at me.

"What?" I chuckled.

He shook his head and I shrugged, I could tell he was up to something but I tried to push it away.

 It was around 6 o clock when the boys decided to leave, insisting they had things to do.

I sighed and sat back down next to Harry. "So, what will we do now?"

He bit his lip and looked at me. "I wanna take you somewhere."

I raised an eyebrow and he just laughed. What was this boy up to now.

  I had gotten dressed in my best clothes and Harry dragged me to the same Range Rover he had always had. It still smelt faintly of Old Spice, putting a smile on my face at the memories that came along with that smell.

   After minutes of driving, chatting about different subjects along the way, we had finally made it to our destination. It was too dark for me to tell what it was, which made me sigh.

 I walked out of the car and before I could move I felt a piece of cloth go over my eyes.

"Harry what are you doing?" I laughed.

"Just trust me alright?" He said pushing me foreword.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I frowned. He let out a loud laugh that I was sure all of London could hear. I chuckled and he continued to push me.

   Harry had pushed open a door and the smell of Lysol and Mint filled my nose. For some reason that smell was very familiar to me.

  "You ready?" he asked me in a low voice.

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