Chapter 10 - Mistakes

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A/N Yay new chapterrr.. ENJOY THIS ONE! Be sure to read the end Authors Note ..


  *3 Years Later;*

Harry's POV


I sat in the hotel bathroom staring at the bottle that I was tightly holding in my hand. Thoughts went through my mind like a tornado. 

   I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked quite different from what I did 3 years ago. I had lost all the baby fat in my face and grown much taller. From the way I looked now someone would've thought I was a baby back then.

    But not only did I see a more grown guy in the mirror, but I could see the sorrow in his eyes. The redness that covered the outside. The swollen skin around it from crying.

   So many things had happen in these past 3 years, some of the things were good.. Some were bad..

   After we didn't win the X Factor Simon insisted that we were to good to be thrown away. He signed us to his record label.

  I cant believe how much we have accomplished in such a little time. We've became big in America, had sold out tours, 3 VMAs, 2 BRITS, we've performed at the Olympics, we have millions of amazing adoring fans .. 

   Its all a bit overwhelming actually.

  Though there are so many good things going on right now, there are so many negatives going around..

   So many rumors go around constantly. I'm ALWAYS labeled as the 'Man-whore', the player, the heart breaker..

   I know that it might look like that in some ways, but if only the media knew the real story behind all the girls..

   Management knew about Louis and I. Or should I say 'What me and Louis used to be..'

No, me and Louis hadn't broke up. I still loved him with all my heart and soul. He was still my absolute everything. I think it'll be always like that.

  But Management refused to let us come out about it. Saying that it would 'ruin our career.' But honestly I don't really care about if it would 'ruin our career'. It's my life, why cant anyone except that?

   That's when Eleanor came in..

    Management was forcing Louis and Eleanor to fake date to cover up us. They were constantly being forced to go out on dates, to go walk around London and look completely in love..

  Don't get me wrong, El's a lovely girl. But whenever she's around I cant help but feel this pit of jealousy in my gut.

   Our fans are pretty god damn clever, so a BIG majority of them instantly knew that she was just a cover up. Management decided that if I had a girlfriend too then that would finally convince them. I am constantly being told to hang out with this girl, hang out with her. I hate it so much.

  As much as I would love to just come out with it all, just get it over with, I couldn't do that to the other boys. I wouldn't ruin everything for them.

   My addiction hadnt stopped. It never did.

  If anything, It got worse.

   Non of the boys know. Not even Louis. I know that I should probably tell him, but I know he'll go insane. He'll think its his fault, he'll blame himself for not being able to help me.

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