Chapter 5 - Dark Memories

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A/N Update yay :) Things are going to get interesting from here on out.. Hope you enjoy it. I'm going to start asking for 2 comment 2 votes for a new chapter every time . Don't complain though, you did it the last one I'm prettyy sure you can do it againn ;) OKAY ENOUGH OF MY CHATTER, HERE WE GO!


      I woke up to the sound of movement in the other room. I opened one eye and I could see a light coming from behind me.

    I jumped off the couch and looked around, making sure there was no intruder. When I saw Harry look back at me from the kitchen I sighed and walked over to the counter, sitting down.

   I rubbed my eyes and saw that he was getting something out the fridge.

"Sorry, I was thirsty." he whispered in a sleepy voice.

 I shook my head and waved it off, to tired to say anything. I could tell he had no idea what to get and I smirked at him.

   I walked passed him, shutting the fridge on the way. I opened the cabinet and grabbed two mugs and the Co Co powder. He looked at me confused when I started heating up water.

  "Hot Chocolate."

 He nodded and smiled.

     When it was done we went back to the couch and sat down, getting covered in the soft blanket.

He looked at the hot liquid in his mug. "You know, I haven't had Hot Chocolate since I was a kid." he smiled slightly.

 I looked at him with wide eyes "Seriously?" he nodded and chuckled at my shocked expression.

  "I think I was about 11 or so. It was around Christmas time." he smiled at the memory. Then the smile turned into a frown. "That's when things started to get.. complicated." 

   I looked at him curiously and put my mug down on the coffee table.

  "If you don't mind me asking... What happened?"

   *Harry's POV*


  "If you don't mind me asking... What happened?"

I looked up at him a little shocked. I hadn't talked to anyone about my past, ever.

 Not one person.

 Not even Liam, Niall, or Zayn who were some of my closest mates.

But there was something about Louis that made me want to tell him. I felt as if I needed to. He deserved that much.

 "It all started one night in September when I had just turned 12."


"Harry! Come here." My sister Gemma whisper/yelled at me.

  I rubbed my eyes with my small fist and looked at her standing by the door with tearful eyes.

"Gemma?" I mumbled.

 She told me to shush and grabbed my hand, pulling me into her room.

"What's wrong?" I whispered.

  That's when she started to cry.

"Robin R-Raped me." She admitted, covering her face in her hands.

I looked at her shocked and hugged her tightly. She sobbed into my shoulder and I tried to process what my sister had just told me,

"When?" I growled.

 " A-A Hour ago. H-He's down stairs with Mum now." she stuttered. Anger boiled in me.

  How dare he.

 How dare he lay a FINGER on her.

I started towards the door and Gemma looked at me shocked

"Harry no! Don't do it." She cried.

 I didn't listen to her. I ran downstairs and saw my stepfather Robin yelling at my mum. He was pressing her up on the fridge and held up a hand.

 "Leave her alone!"

I pushed him off of her with all my force. He was highly drunk so he fell down pretty easily.

All of the anger that had been bubbling up in me had finally realised. I hit him with all the force I had and continued to do. I coudn't stop. I couldn't see, everything around me was blury.

 I could hear my Mum and Gemma screaming at me to stop, but I couldn't.

When I finally stopped, I stood up and turned around. My mum held a crying Gemma close to her chest, covering her eyes.

 My Mum stared at me in horror. I looked down at my fist and was shocked at what was there.

My hand was covered in blood and when I looked down I saw that I had completely knocked Robin out cold.

  The look my mother was giving me... It was like I wasn't her son anymore..

I was a monster.

*End of Flashback*


  Louis looked at me softly and moved closer to me. He put a reassuring arm around shoulder.

  "I'm so sorry Harry.. I can't imagine.." he whispered.

I shook my head and smiled a bit. "It's fine. The past is the past.. it's not your fault."

He smiled back and then his eyebrows furrowed "Do you just not talk to them anymore?" he asked hesitantly.

  I looked up at him and sighed. I hadn't talked to my mum and Gemma in years. I missed them so much. But I was so scared of that look. Of not being welcomed back. I finally shook my head and Louis frowned.

  "Maybe you should talk to them Harry."

I was shocked at the words. See Mum and Gemma again? As much as I wanted to.. I was scared..

 But finally nodded and smiled "I will.."

He smiled and I smiled back. He started to get comfy in the covers and we got ready to go back to sleep.

  "Hey Louis?"

 "Hmm?" he mumbled.

 "Thanks.. for listening and all that." he smiled

"Any time."

       I just lied there on the couch and watched the clock tick. It was around 3:00 o clock in the morning when I finally got up.

   I stumbled into the kitchen and looked through the kitchen cabinets until I finally found what I was looking for.

    I grabbed the medication off the shelf and opened it up, taking out 4 large pills.

I swallowed them dry and sighed. I leaned up against the counter and buried my face in  my hands.

  I knew Louis wouldn't be happy about this.. but I couldn't just stop. As much as I wanted to, it would be so hard.

  I just can't tell him..

I'll have to keep it to myself.

 But in the back of my mind this wouldn't end well.


A/N NEW CHAPTER YAAY! Do you guys like it ? Remember 2 votes 2 comments for the next chapter so get to it! Tell me what you think! OH and thanks for over 200+ reads.. I love you guys :)

~Lizzy xx

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