Chapter 9 - Just the Beginning

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A/N Hewwo :D NEW CHAPTER YEAAHH . idk why im making this authors note i have nothing interestig to say .. Oh  Well,  HERE WE GO!


         "Your on in 10!" the camera guy told us rushing to the other side of the building.

 I sighed and straightened out my clothes. Today was the day. We were just moments away from the answer that would completely change everything.

   The other guys were getting ready as well, all still pumped from the performance we just did with Robbie Williams. Wow, Never thought those words would come out of my mouth..

   Throughout this whole experience, I learned a lot. I learned about the way life is, about how to never stop trying.

   If the boys and I just gave up in the middle of the competition, we wouldn't be where we were right now. There were many times when I just wanted to give up.. Just wanted to go home. But I knew that if we tried hard enough, maybe we might make it. Maybe even win.

    I looked at myself in the mirror and smirked. Our stylist had somehow managed to convince me into wearing a nice white V-Neck and a blazer on top. I had brushed my fringe to the side and shaken my hair in a messy way. I didn't really recognize the guy in the mirror.

   This guy looked happy.

 He looked so hopeful and positive on what was to come.

 He looked like a fighter, a risk taker. Someone who was ready for the punch of failure.

 But at the same time, this guy looked like me.

I've grown so much in the past couple weeks then I have in my short span of lifetime on this earth. I couldn't believe it. Not only had I found courage, happiness, and will..

 But I also found Love.

  I would have never thought in a million years that I would be so happy with someone. Used to, I would've been so hesitant to admit it. But now I felt no shame.

  I am madly in love with Harry Styles.

  I smiled at the thought. It was too true though. I can still remember the day I had met him at the pub. I was so oblivious to what was coming my way. Who knew that I would meet the one person that would change my life for the better in the toilets?

  Thank God for my fast bladder.

 I heard someone take a intake of breath behind me and I turned around. Harry stood in front of me with a lustful expression. I looked at what he was wearing and smiled. He wore a nice dress shirt that was buttoned all the way up with his usual black blazer. The cross necklace that he always had was still hung from his neck. His usual crazy curls had been calmed down, framing his face perfectly. And I had thought I looked nice..

   He gave me a cheeky grin. "You look.. Amazing." I chuckled.

 "Thanks, you too." He laughed and pulled me in a bear hug. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in the crook of his neck and sighed. He tightened the hug but it only made me feel protected. I didn't want to let go.

  "5 MINUTES!"

I heard Harry sigh and he pulled out of our embrace. "You ready?" I nodded "Yup."

   The other boys came up to us and we got ready to go up on stage. "Here goes nothing.." I mumbled.


   We all ran onto the stage and the crowd went wild. I waved at them all, amazed at everyone who showed up.

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