Chapter 14 - Slow Motion

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*Harry's POV*

  These past few days had been the best days of my life.

Everything seemed to be perfect at this point. I had my friends, my fans, my amazing Fiance' .. What could possibly be better than that?

 Louis and I didn't have to hide our relationship anymore luckily. We could walk down the streets of London and not get to much of a crowd. Of course we still got the unwanted harsh glare every now and then, but I wouldn't let that get to me.

 I am happy. If you can't except that then oh well right? I cant do anything to change your mind.

 It felt so nice to hold Lou's hand in public. To show everyone that he was mine, to show how lucky I was to have him.

 My whole life there seemed to be something missing inside of me, and I could never figure out what it was. But now, I've realised that the thing was Louis. My whole life, I had been searching for him, and I'm so happy I found him.

  I was lying in bed with him, my love, my everything, my personal angel. I held his hand in mine as he traced patterns down my arm. I didn't ever want to leave this position.

 I never wanted to leave him.


Louis pulled his phone out of his pocket and sighed. I frowned at him and he smirked. "I've gotta take this, It's Stan." He whispered. He kissed my nose softly before answering and leaving the room.

 I sighed and sat up. Louis had decided to ring Stan up not to long ago to tell him the news about us. Louis was definitely shocked by how happy Stan was for him. I know he had always been scared he would be repulsed by it, but luckily he wasn't.

 These past couple of days, they had called each other non stop. It didn't bug me though. I knew they had always been the best of friends, they needed to catch up from the past three years of not speaking.

  I lied on my king sized bed and tugged on the end of the mattress in boredom. These past couple days had been nothing but planning for the wedding. Not that I wasn't thrilled to be getting married to Lou, I just wish we could past all the plans and just get on with it. If I could have it my way, I'd fly us out to Vegas right now.

 I chuckled. A wedding with Louis in Vegas. That would sure be a sight.

 I picked my phone up off of the nightstand and began to play Fruit Ninjas to free me from my boredom. As much as it was entertaining, it didn't do the trick and I groaned.

 I was looking through my text messages when something hit me.

 One New Voice Mail from 545-0047

For some reason, the number made something in my mind trigger. I had no idea where I had seen it before, but it made the hairs on my skin raise.

 I stood up and quickly went to listen to it.

 'You have 1 new voice message. BEEP'

 The lady on the phone said. I waited patiently and my heart dropped when I heard the familiar voice on the other end.


I heard a weak female voice say. It sounded as if they were crying. I knwe that voice all too well. It was the voice that sung me to sleep every night as a child. It was the voice that raised me growing up.

 It was the voice of my mother.

"Harry this is your mum. I know we haven't spoken in a while but I just needed to call you.

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