Chapter 16

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-3rd POV-

Rimuru flies over the camp of the Falmuth Alliance army. With cold eyes he stare down at the humans who seem to be having fun.

Rimuru: Consider all of yourself lucky for your deaths were chosen by me. I can only sympathize your comrades whose fate would be decided by Y/N.

Rimuru puts on the a copy of the mask that he once got as a keepsake from his destined one.

Rimuru: Now then, shall we get this started.

The Temple Knights that were guarding the east crystal were patrolling around until they saw two figures walking out of the bush.

The two were non other than Benimaru and Mei.

The knights who saw the two draw their swords.

Temple Knight: Monsters! Halt! You are not allowed to come any closer! Surrender yourselves! You are outnumbe-

The speaking knight's head suddenly falls off and rolls on the ground. The others were petrified by fear and shock by the scene.

Mei: You talk too much.

Benimaru and Mei took a stance and started to zap across the enemy base, as they cut down the humans, they left only the trails of red lightning and black flames.

Once they finish cleaning up, the only thing left was the crystal. Mei glared at the smaller green crystal inside the bigger one.

Mei: This ability is same as that girl's.

Benimaru: Who?

Mei: The girl who made me fail my duty.

Benimaru decided to shut up seeing the bloodlust expression on her face. Mei then proceed to destroy the crystal.

Benimaru: I would be disappointed if the others have problem dealing with these small fries.

Mei: Agreed.

Gabiru and his team of dragnewts were flying toward the south to destroy the crystal there. Regina was also among their ranks.

Gabiru: Oh Regina-dono, are you alright?

Regina: Yes I'm fine Gabiru-san.

Gabiru: You seem more...... serious than usual...

Regina: I am mad Gabiru-san, I can't express how ashamed and mad I was for not being able to protect everyone despite Y/N-sama bestowing me powers unlike any others.

Gabiru: Nobody expected this you know?

Regina: I am a dragon Gabiru-san! I may not be a True Dragon, but I am still a dragon! And for a dragon to be defeated by some human.... It's frustrating....

Gabiru: Everyone have their ups and down Regina-dono.

Regina: Maybe so, but this time I swear I won't tarnish Y/N-sama's name as the King of Shadows and Dragons.

Gabiru: King of dragons?

Regina seem to realize what she had just blurted out and clumsy tried to change the subject.

Gabiru: This is more like herself but what was that about King of Dragons?

He dismissed the thoughts as he and his team arrived at the south crystal.

Gabiru: Alright man! It's time to show that what the descendants of the dragons coul-

His speech was interrupted by Regina who files down in blinding speed and crash their base as if a meteor fell from the sky. The base and the crystal was definitely destroyed with no traces of any humans alive.

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