Giving Up

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Angel's POV

"Please take your seats and buckle your seat belts. We are beginning our descend."

Kianie: "Ang (pronounced Ain-juh) wake up! We're in the Bahamas!"

Angel: "I'm up stupid!"

Kianie: "everyone else is asleep. Should I wake them?"

Angel: "no, just wait-"


Issa: "if you don't shut yo ass up."

Kianie: "well SOMEBODY is a little salty."

Everyone else wakes up. When the plane lands then Roc gets up before we all exit the plane.

Roc: "alright, so we have a lot of area to cover to try and find Ali. So we are going to have to split up. Rayanna with Jawan, Angel with Issa, Nique with Ray, Bahja with Prod, Bre with Prince, Alix with Kianie and Diggy, and Krystal with me. Everyone good with their partners?"

Everyone said yeah and he continued on.

Roc: "alright, everyone is in a group chat so just text for any news. I have a map for everyone, and on them shows your groups area to search. Remember find Ali first, vacation later. Everyone ready?"

We all nod.

Roc: "bags are being taken to the hotel, which is outlined in your maps. If you look on the back side of your maps you'll find a card with 2500 on each. Use It wisely. Lets go find Ali!"

We all get off the plane and go our separate ways. Ali were coming for you!

Rayanna and Jawans POV

Jawan: "okay sooooo, according to this map, we are searching, on the beach!"

Rayanna: not paying attention

Jawan: "ray?"

Rayanna: "huh?"

Jawan: "we're searching the beaches, lets go!"

Rayanna: "hey can we eat first. I'm starving."

Jawan: "God I was hoping you Would say that!"

They go to a restaurant by the beach.

Rayanna: "This place is sooo pretty."

Jawan: "I know. When I get married, I'm bringing my wife here for a vacation."

Rayanna: "aw, that's sweet. I'll be here too, cause I'm gonna buy a place here" laughs

Jawan: thinking: I was talking about you. "Sureeeee you are."

Rayanna: "don't doubt me!"

Jawan: laughs "okay. But Roc would be so mad at us if he saw us just chilling here eating"

Rayanna: "we're looking for her! See!" Taps a girl sitting at the bar next to her "excuse me. Have you seen a girl named Aaliana Perez?"

Girl: "Uh?"

Jawan: "I don't think she speaks English. Doubt she knows her anyways."

The girl pays and leaves real fast.

Jawan: "you scared her away with your blackness!" Laughs

Rayanna: "stfu!" Crosses arms and fake pouts.

Jawan: hugs her "aw, I'm sorry" kisses cheek.

Rayanna: laughs "c'mon lets go find this blexican!" Pays for food

Are You My Daddy? (A Mindless Behavior Story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang