Surprise Surprise

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Aaliana's POV

I can't stand that girl! She's such a brat! She's nothing like Roc. He's so sweet and funny and fun to be around, and she's like the devils child. All I tried to do was help the little girl out, but noooo she wanted to get all bitchy on me. She must not know me. I'm half Mexican and half black, so therefore, I will beat her culo. I walked over to my daddy's room.

Ray: opens the door "Aye wassup Ali?" let's me in

When I walk in they are all chilling in the living room watching tv.

Prince: looks at me "whats wrong with you?"

Me: "Roc, no disrespect or anything, but you need to get your daughter. "

Roc: "what did she do?"

Me: "first of all she's bratty. She acts like we all should bow down to her. She favors the OMG Girlz and acts like a biht towards the rest of us. And all tried to do was help her out since everyone else was busy packing, and she gets this nasty attitude with me. Nobody likes her, and the girl is only 14! She's supposed to treat us with some kind of respect right? Ugh!" plops down on the couch in between Prod and Ray

Prod: pulls her close and runs her back "Breathe Ali, don't let her get you upset. You gotta learn that not everyone in the world is going to like you, and the fact that your famous makes the hater number rise. She's new and I guess trying to make an impression on you all. "

Me: "what kind of impression is that? That makes everyone want to line up and take turns beating the shit outta her!"

Prince: "watch it Ali"

Roc: "I'll talk to her ok, but don't try to fight her please?"

Me: " why would you say that?"

Roc: "your fist are balled up" points to me hands

Prince: stands up "come here Li" walks towards his room.

I walk behind him and go into his room, and he closes it behind him.

Prince: "Li."

Me: "yes daddy?"

Prince: "don't fight her"

Me: "dad if she provokes me-"

Prince: "let me finish. Don't fight her in front of the fans, in front of stage crew, rehearsal crew, or any production crew. And especially not around Roc because he's gonna try to stop it."

I smile at him and hug him.

Me; "thanks for understanding me"

Prince: "mmh hmm" walks over to a dresser and pulls my iPod out. "here"

Me: grabs it "thanks Daddy! But uhm, where's my phone?"

Prince: "well, uhm. See I may have leftitinAtlanta"

I had to process that last part in my brain since he said it so fast.

"...left it in Atlanta"

Me: "WHAT?!"

Prince: "but when we get To New York I'll get you a new one"

Me: "daddy all my stuff was on that phone! My contacts, music"

Prince: "well stuff like that can transfer"

Me: "it's not even going to be the same! My phone wasn't like the others. It wasn't white or black, it was blue and lime green with zebra stripes!"

Prince: "Ill get it like that again"

Me: sighs "fine"

Prince; "cheer up, because I know you want to go shopping in New York, plus I have a surprise for you" smiles

Are You My Daddy? (A Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now