Lunch Date

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Prince's POV

I woke up this morning to the worst headache ever. I definitely had too much to drink last night, but I enjoyed myself. I rolled over and picked up my phone. 78 new messages. Yaay. Sarcasm.

I looked at the first few, all telling me to check twitter. So I went on my twitter app and saw 17,963 mentions. Good lord what is going on?? I went through a few of them. Some asking about what was my punishment to Ali. Wtf did Ali do??

I searched Aaliana Perez and a video came up titled "TMA vs OMG" I clicked on it. I saw Bahja throw a drink on Ali, then Ali turned around and started fighting her. Then Bre jumped in and then Teegan jumped in. I saw blood all over the OMGs but nothing on TMA. I saw Jacob and Jaden pull Ali and Teegan off and take them away then the video cut off.

I can't believe she can fight like that! I'm so proud of my baby! I went back to twitter and tweeted Ali and Tee are perfectly fine.

After I sent that my notifications blew up. I just got off of twitter. I texted Ali good morning and what time she wanted to go out. She replied back 3. It was 1:48 now. I told her to meet us at Ihop. She replied back okay.

Time to go get ready!

Aaliana's POV

Me: "He's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me." .

Teegan: "Ali chill. You might be over thinking this. Maybe he hasn't even seen everything on twitter, or the video."

Me: "how can he not see it!? He has mentions from everybody and they grandma! He's gonna see it."

Teegan: "maybe he'll be understanding. That video did show that Bahja started it."

Me: "Teegan Mariela Lopez. My dad is not understanding. He is gonna kill me, and possibly you."

Teegan: "he will not touch me! I'm in the mafia."

I gave her a stfu face.

Me: "no the hell you aren't!"

I heard my phone go off. It was the tritone, indicating it was a message. I picked it up.

It was my dad.

Oh sugar!

Me: "It's my dad"

Teegan: "what does it say?"

Me: "I don't know, I'm scared to look."

Teegan snatches my phone and unlocks it.

Teegan: "morning Ali, what time do you want to schedule lunch with me and the guys today?"

I grabbed the phone to make sure that was the actual message. It was.

Teegan: "seeeeee, he probably hasn't seen it."

Me: "yeah, hasn't. By the time we meet he probably will have seen it."

Teegan; huffs and puffs "Text him back and say 3 at ihop."

I texted him and laid face down on my bed.

Me: "he's gonna kill me."

Teegan: "Aaliana! He's not going to kill you! Now get ready! It's almost 2."

She walked out the room.

Me: yells "TEEGANNNNN!"

Teegan: walks back in the room "what?!"

Me: stands up and does the puppy dog face "can you pick my outfit out?"

Teegan: "Grow up Ali." Laughs and walks out.

I groan loudly and walk over to my suitcases full of clothes. I pick out and walk to my bathroom to shower.

After I finish getting ready, I walk into Teegan's room and she's dressed in .

Teegan: "You wanna be me soooo bad."

Me: "why be you when I'm me? Girl I'm fabulous."

Teegan starts smiling and grabs her things.

Teegan: "let's go eat!" She says in her fat girl voice.

We go downstairs to the lobby and wait for our ride to pull up then we drive to meet up with my dad.

When we arrive, we walked in and the waitress took us to where my dad and the rest of MB were sitting. As soon as I saw my dad, i tensed up. I'm in so much trouble!

Prod: "Look who it is!" Stands up an hugs me and Teegan

Ray: "The two Laila Ali's!" Hugs us

Roc hugs us and then we get to my dad. He seems, well, normal and not mad.

Prince: "hey baby girl, hey Teegan."

Me and Teegan sat down. Teegan next to my dad and me on the opposite side of him.

Prince: "how's it feel to be double award winners?"

Teegan: "it feels pretty good! Our second year in the business's and we came out on top!"

Roc: "Party Anthem is my songggggg!" Snaps his fingers and rolls his neck.

We all laugh.

Waiter: "Hi I'm Nickie, what can I get y'all to drink?"

Roc: "dr. pepper"

Prod: "Coke"

Ray: "Pepsi"

Teegan: "Lemonade"

Me: "Sprite"

Prince: "Sprite"

Nickie: "Okay, I'll be right back." Walks off

Roc: "Ali you ready to come home yet? We miss you like crazy."

I look down at my hands in my lap. I wasn't ready to go back to my old life yet. I love being with Teegan and living basically on my own. Not having too many rules to follow. I'm 18 now, I'm old enough to make these decisions for myself.

Me: "I gotta stay here with Teegan."

Ray: "why don't you bring Teegan with you?"

Teegan: "Cause Bahamas life is THE life."

I look over to my dad and see he has a kind of sad expression on his face.

Me: "but look, I know we've moved past the whole thing 2 years ago, but we need to go back."

I had everyone's full attention now.

Me: "I was so wrong about leaving y'all. I should have never just dropped my family like that. I missed every single on of y'all. But I was heartbroken and just wanted to have nothing to do with Jacob. I figured that as long as I was around y'all, I would still be around Jacob. So I did the stupid thing and left everything. But you know what, I can't really say I regret everything. Because I wouldn't be here with Teegan. So everything happens for a reason."

It was quiet for a minute.

Prince: "If you don't want to come back, at least keep in contact and visit us."

Me: "That's a promise I can keep." Smiles

After that, the mood at the table got happier.

We ate, laughed, caught up, talked about old times, and everything in between. After we left, daddy told me they were all heading back to Atlanta, and they were heading to the airport as soon as they left us.

Roc said we should come to the airport to see everyone before they left, and we agreed, until Prod mentioned tht the OMG Girlz would be there. We quickly changed our minds about that.

Back in the hotel..

Teegan: "Kay so I have a date.."

I whipped my head around.

Me: "With who?!"

Teegan: "Jaden Smith."

My mouth dropped open.

Me: "Teegie! What time?"

Teegan: "7"

Me; "It's 5:45 now, why didn't you tell me earlier? And what am I gonna do while you're gone?"

Teegan: "I don't know, and do what all Aaliana Na'Veah Perez's do."

Me: "There's only one Aaliana Na'Veah Perez!"

Teegan: "Exactly"

Me: "I'm gonna be soooo lonely!"

Teegan: "you'll be okay. When you have a baby, bring this time up an ill be forced to Babysit."

Me: "you better!"

Teegan: laughs "I'm getting in the shower."

She goes to the bathroom and I sit on my bed.


I pick my phone up and see I have a message from Jacob.

J: "Hey there 😊"

A: "Hey 😁"

J: "I'm bored."

A: "waiting on the plane?"

J: "nah, in my hotel room. I didn't go back with the rest today. I wanted to stay and enjoy Cali one more night, but I didn't realize how lonely I would be by myself 😔"

A: "Well I'll be doing the same tonight. Teegan's running off and leaving me here alone."

J: "we should have a party, but we're the only ones invited."

A: "sounds good to me😁"

J: "lol, I'm being serious tho 😳"

A: "Me too. Teegan leaves at 7, so come over around then. Westgate hotel room 1251, 2nd floor."

J: "i'll be there. See you then 😁😊"

A: "See ya!"

I put my phone down.


I just invited Jacob to my hotel room.

We're gonna be alone in a hotel.

Oh lawdddddd.

I lay down on my bed, and decide when my eyes can't stay open any longer, that i'd take a nap.

I woke up to Teegan shaking me.

Teegan; "Hey Ali, I'm about to leave. Do I look alright?"

I rubbed my eyes and took a good look. She had on

Me: "yeah that's cute. Where are y'all going? Cause you're all fancy."

Teegan; "some fancy restraunt."

Me; "ohhhh."

Teegan: "Kay well I'm out. Don't wait up for me. Be safe. Love you. Mwauh!" Walks out the door.

Once she was out the door, I took my contacts out and put my glasses on, then put my hair up into a ponytail.

I heard my phone ringing.

Me: "hello?"

Jacob: "hey, I'm on my way over."

Me: "alright, see you in a little bit."

Jacob: "alright, bye."

He hung up and I laid on the bed. Lets see what's in store for me tonight.

THERE! are y'all happy? I updated.his book don't get updated as much as I'm growing up because I've run out of ideas for this.

And to those that keep messaging me and commenting to tell me to update, here's a little message to you..


Kay sorry I had to be mean, but y'all remember when I told y'all to not comment saying update because it irks my nerves. Keep that in mind,

And in the meantime, read I'm Growing Up, and if you haven't read the first book, then read Be A Big Boy, I'm Growing Up is the sequel to Be A Big Boy, and it has it's own IG page; BeABigBoy

Kay, that's all. Enjoy your crappy chapter 😊

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