The ghetto PeaceMaker

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The next day..

4:30 pm..

Prince: "Aaliana, ¿Dónde diablos estás?"

Aaliana: "papi estoy en el camino, calmar sus nervios."

Prince: "calmar mis nervios? chica que nos íbamos a dejar pasar 30 minutos! ya estamos en un horario apretado!"

Bahja: "She's been a superstar for a day and already acting like a diva." heads for the bus

Zonnique: Sighs and go to the bus

Everyone else goes to the buses too.

Aaliana: "papi, soy como 2 minutos ok? obtener sus bragas a cabo en el culo Dang."

Prince: " mi culo? Ali está actuando .." looks at his phone . "this little girl did not just hang up on me"

Raya's moms car pulls up and Raya and Ali get out.

Prince: walks over to them "Aaliana Perez! Who do you think you are?

Rayanna's Mom: "I'm sorry, the girls were waiting on me"

Prince: "that doesn't excuse her for what she said in that phone!"

Aaliana: "dad chill. It slipped"

Prince: mocks her "it slipped. Girl gimme that phone and the iPod."

Aaliana: "for what?!"

Prince; "don't raise your voice! Give it here!"

Aaliana: gives it to him with a heavy attitude. "happy?"

Prince: "thank you for bringing her, I'll see you next time"

Rayanna: "bye prince" hugs Ali and whispers to her "text me off your iPad"

Aaliana: smiles "bye Ray" walks off to the bus.

Jawan: "look who finally decided to join us"

Bahja: mumbles "if it ain't the diva herself"

Aaliana: "what you said Bahja?!"

Bahja: "look girl. Don't catch an attitude with me. You've been acting pissy ever since you've claimed stardom. So sit down somewhere because were all already ticked with you."

Aaliana: "So your mad because you THINK I have and attitude. All that pink dye must have gotten to your head"

Bahja: "I'm not even gone contribute to your ratchet mess. I'm going in my room if anybody needs me"

Aaliana: "hey Jacob" hugs him

Jacob: "hey"

Aaliana: "can we chill in your room?"

Jacob: "uhm yea I'll be there in a little bit"

Aaliana; "Kk" goes into the room

Diggy; "the hell is her problem?"

Breaunna: "We all need to bring the old Ali back, including you Jacob"

Jacob: "how are we gonna do that?"

Alix: "honestly I think Ali is just putting in right now, she'll probably be friends with Bahja soon."

Issa: "she still icing me the silent treatment!"

Jacob: "well you did insult her"

Jawan: "twice"

Issa: "still though"

Zonnique: "don't we have a concert tonight?"

Alix: "yes, All the way in Tennessee"

Diggy; "y'all think we gone make it in time?"

Breaunna: "we would've, if lil miss diva was on time. Now we're speeding."

Issa: "if I die in a bus accident, I'm blaming Ali"

Aaliana: comes out the room "and If I go to jail for sticking my foot down your throat, I'm blaming you. Jacob are you coming?"

Jacob: "yea. I'm coming" walks into the room.

Breaunna: "hold up hold up hold up. Ali come here"

Aaliana: walks over there

Breaunna: "sit child"

Aaliana: sits

Breaunna: "what's up with your attitude lately?"

Aaliana: "I don't have an attitude and I wish y'all would stop assuming!"

Breaunna: "whoa dere broadie. I'm not Bahja, don't raise your voice at me cause I'll knock the Spanish outta you. Now you need to stop acting like a little diva. Not to burst your little bubble but your not all that. I mean yea you got a good voice but remember whose song you were singing. OMG Girlz. Who taught you the moves and lyrics. OMG Girlz. Who took you in when you first came. OMG Girlz. If it wasn't for us, you would still be getting bullied by the fans on the Internet cause you are princes daughter. So I recommend you start acting like the cute little sweet Ali, because the ratchet Ali will see my hand across her face. Carry on now" shoes her away to Jacobs room.

Aaliana: leaves to Jacobs room.

Diggy: "Bre I swear you the ghetto peace maker of us all"

Breaunna: smirks "I know, Babydoll solves all problems with a little bit of hood"

Zonnique: "you think she'd gone change?"

Alix: "she might. I hope so cause I sure would hate to see Bre tear that ahh up!"

Issa: "I personally think it would be quite amusing."

Zonnique: throws pillow at him "you are evil!"

Bahja: comes out the room "little Brat gone?"

Diggy: "you missed it Be, Bre put her in her place."

Bahja: "aww y'all ain't come get me? Or at least record it?"

Alix: "she should act better now"

Bahja: "I guess. I was talking to Minnie and she said there was a 70% off sale at The Pink Zebra today !"

Breaunna: "NOOO!! It would be the day we leave too!"

Zonnique: "they knew we were leaving today and if we went to the sale we would've bought the whole store!"

Bahja: "amen! "

Issa: "I'm going to sleep, I don't wanna have bags under my eyes when I'm performing."

OMG Girlz: "me neither"

Everyone went to sleep until they heard banging on the door.

Jacob: comes out of the room "who is banging on the door?"

Roc: "y'all have 30 minutes to show time! Get up NOW!!"

Everybody jumped up at that.

They all got there things and went off the bus and into the arena.

20 minutes later, everyone is ready to go. They are all warming there voices up and things like that.

Breaunna: "that's the fastest we ever got ready!"

Jacob: "and with 10 minutes left to spare!"

Bahja: "are the OMG Girlz doing So Official tonight?"

Amber: (manager) "the fans seemed to love it when you and Ali did it so we'll keep it that way. We still love you thought Nique"

Zonnique: "it's fine with me. Me and Bre enjoyed our break last time"

Breaunna: "sho did !"

Amber: "alright, Ali get warmed up as well then."

Aaliana: "yes ma'am"

Bahja: "whaaaat? No attitude? Shocker."

Aaliana: gives her a fake smile.

Alix: "prayer time"

Everybody gets in a circle and puts their arm around each other.

Diggy: "lord thank you for letting us get here in time n for making it here safe, even though our bus was on 2 wheels coming up here. Please let us all have a great performance, and everything goes perfect. Thank you for bringing us this far, and letting us achieve out dreams. In your great name we pray, amen"

Everybody: "amen"

Issa: "alright, everybody do good! Give a good show!"

Alix: "group hug!"

Everyone group hugs except Ali.

Jacob: "Ali come on!"

Aaliana: "I rather not"

Jawan: "why not?"

Aaliana: "most everyone in here hates me"

Alix: "no we don't!"

Breaunna: "we just don't like the way you've been acting"

Aaliana: "well I thought when I got famous, I was supposed to act famous"

Diggy: "who told you that lie"

Aaliana: "I don't know. Sorry you guys about how I've been acting"

Bahja: "we forgive you!"

Everyone group hugs again.

The show started, and everybody did great

(OAN: Mindless Behavior performs with them now)

Since they were late, they didn't get to check into the hotel until after the concert, and they've all got ready for bed.

Jacob: "goodnight Alibear" kisses Ali

Aaliana: "goodnight Jakeypooh" kisses back

Bahja: "they so cute!"

Aaliana: death glares her

Bahja: "I'll see you in the room" goes into her and Ali's room.

Jacob: "don't be late tomorrow"

Aaliana; pushes him playfully "shut up"

Jacob: "text me?"

Aaliana: "don't have my phone"

Jacob: "why not?"

Aaliana: "I told daddy to obtener sus bragas a cabo en el culo"

Jacob: "and that means?"

Aaliana: "get your panties out of your ass"


Aaliana: "it was that whole famouse wannabe act"

Jacob: "you ain't getting that back for a while"

Aaliana: Happy face "I still got my iPad though"

Jacob: "well FaceTime me"

Aaliana: sad face "I can't."

Jacob: "why?"

Aaliana; "not hotspot connection. Prince told the hotel not to allow us to buy it"

Jacob: "dang. You wanna just come over with me?"

Aaliana; "yes"

Jacob: "well come on. I'll sneak you back before Prince comes"

Aaliana: "ok, mlemme get some clothes"

Aaliana: goes into her room and packs a bag

Bahja: "where you going?"

Aaliana: "staying with the boys"

Bahja: "I'll text you if Prince comes"

Aaliana: "I don't have my phone, text Jacob"

Bahja: confused face "tell me about it later"

Aaliana: "ok, night pinky"

Bahja: "night"

Aaliana: goes back out with Jacob and across the hall

Jawan: waking around the room with no shirt and shorts on "Excuse me. What is this chick doing here?"

Diggy: "looks like they finna get it" smirks

Jacob: "shut up , we ain't doing nothing"

Issa: "mmh hmm, good night!"

Everybody goes there separate ways.

Short , boring, yea I know. But it'll get better (:

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