Party, flashbacks..

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Aaliana's POV

Teegan: hands me a tissue "wipe your face, tell me about it later."

Stage Manager: "okay, so Melanie Fiona is opening, then you'll be called out next. Remember what was rehearsed?"

We both shook our heads yes. The manager sent a makeup crew over to me to fix mines from the tears.

After they finish, Melanie Fiona starts her performance.

Teegan: "rehearse?"

Me: "yeah let's go."

We rehearse, and do it perfectly. Woo. I'm so nervous.

Me: "I need to get rid of these nerves, what about you?"

Teegan: "yes! I'm so nervous!"

we do our "Nerves Dance" to get our minds off of this.

Melanie comes off the stage and smiles at us.

Melanie: "good luck"

Us: "thanks" we say in our sweet girl voices.

We walk to the side of the stage and wait to be called.

"And now, coming to the stage to present the ...."

Teegan: "deep breath in...out."

Me: "Lets do this."


The crowd cheers as me and Tee walk out smiling.

Teegan: "how's everyone doing tonight?"

Me:"wow, it's so amazing to be up here right now, I mean Wh-"

Teegan: "hey, look. There's Jaden Smith. Hey Jaden!" Waves and smiles

Me: "uh, Tee save that for later."

Teegan: "oh okay, gotcha."

Me:"as I was saying, th-"

Teegan: "look A! It's Nicki! Hey Barbz!!" Waves

Me: "Teegan. C'mon now."

Teegan: "sorry, sorry."

Me: flips hair "so as I was saying, tonight is such-"

Teegan: "Drakes here too! Hey Drizzy!!" Waves

Me: "alright whatever,here are the nominees for Best Female R&B Artist"

Teegan keeps waving to random people in the crowd, all apart of the act.

After the slideshow is over..

Teegan: "And the Award for the Best female R&B Artist goes to.."

Me&Teegan: "Queen Bey!!!"

We smile and wait for Beyonce to take the stage. She hugs us and then takes her award and gives her speech. We wait for her to finish and then we walk off stage with her.

Beyonce: "thank you ladies. And good job out there, y'all did it like pros"

Teegan: "you are like my idol and for you to say that means sooo much. Thank you!"

Beyonce: "no problem, I'll-"

Teegan: "can I have your number?"

Me: "alright Tee, time to go. Bye Bey!" Takes Teegan

Beyonce: laughing "bye girls"

Me and Teegan head back to our seats for the rest of the show. The awards we were nominated for were the very last two.

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