I Will Let You Go!

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Inessa felt light-headed with all the crying she did. It had drained her of energy. Walking back to her room felt like a struggle. She quietly lay down in the bed and curled up into a fetal position. They had been here for a week and she had hardly slept in her bed. She had hardly slept in the night. It took her whole hour before sleep finally came to her.

The next day she didn't see Danzel at all. He had left for work early in the morning. The new maid was not much of a talker. She kept to herself and approached her only when needed. However, Inessa noticed how her attention would always be on her. She was keeping an eye on her. Maybe Danzel had asked her to do that. She didn't think much of it. She was going to attempt suicide again, not after he threatened to kill her brother. 

Out of boredom, she decided to take a tour of the mansion. The place no doubt was picturesque. The majestic exterior of the mansion would look so good on canvas with the moon glowing up in the sky. Being an artist, she had imagined the scene in her mind. 

There were just too many rooms in there. Such a big house just for one person. He must feel like a ghost because that's what she was feeling right now, wandering through different corridors.                     

The hours flew by and night arrived. 

She was preparing to sleep when she heard a knock. Apprehension filled her guts. The door cracked open to reveal the middle-aged maid.  

"Sir is calling you in his study," she informed her in an emotionless tone. She left after relaying the message. 

Inessa went cold with anxiety. What was he planning now? Surely, he would punish her for her outburst last night. She had been regretting the whole day for letting it all out in front of him. She knew he wouldn't care about her feelings. This all must have been good entertainment for him or maybe it miffed him. All in all, she just had made a caricature of herself. He wasn't Andrei, he had no heart. 

She wasn't in the position to disobey him as well, it would only cause him to make her punishment harsher. So, she gathered up whatever courage she had and made her way towards his study. 

With reluctant hands, she pushed the door open and sauntered in. He looked up from his laptop. This was th first time she was seeing him in the whole day.

"Come in," he took off his glasses and set them on the table. 

She walked in with heavy steps.

"Sit down," he motioned for her. She settled in the chair across from her. 

Moments of silence passed between them. Inessa had her gaze fixed on the table while she awaited her punishment with bated breath. She could feel his gaze piercing through her skin. She wondered what sadistic punishment he must have chosen for her this time.

The silence broke when he cleared his throat, causing her heartbeat to falter. 

"How is your hand?" he asked.

She looked up at him. His eyes reflected genuine concern. She gave him an indiscernible nod. Relief crossed his features. 

"I reflected on what transpired between us last night. I would like to begin by clarifying that I don't believe you are the killer of my brother," 

Her eyes widened in disbelief. Did he really say that? He caught on his expression. 

"I think someone is framing you," he added for clarification. A slight frown set atop her brows. 

"We are working on catching the real culprit," he told her. 

Her eyes misted over. She felt as if something heavy was lifted off her chest. It was crushing her soul for so long. 

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