Who is she?

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4am and she just couldn't sleep. He still wasn't home. Every part of her just wanted to show up where ever he was tell him he was a prick, slap him and walk off. But this other side of her, wonders if she was just over thinking. She laid there her stomach in knots her heart in her throat, she felt like an idiot.

5am she heard a huge bang, she sat up to find Jack stood at the end of her bed trying to take his clothes off but was failing massively. She watched him for a minute until he realised he'd woken her 'ey up bab' his brummie accent extra thick from the alcohol. 'I'm sorry' he threw himself on the bed next to her, his normal big puppy eyes hazed and blood shot.
'What are you sorry for Jack?' Soph replied bluntly
He rubs his hand over his head 'for being a fucking idiot' he crawls up the bed and lays next to Soph.
She felt her world shatter into a million pieces, she looked at him slurring his words, her chest feeling heavy again. 'What makes you an idiot though?' She questions poking for answers.
He try's to embrace her but he pushes him off 'for staying out late, not coming home to the most perfect woman in the world earlier'
In her head all's she can see is the picture of that girl all over him, knocking her sick again. She couldn't even be near him the smell of the alcohol on his breath, cheap perfume and cigarette smoke on his clothes. It wasn't her Jack, she didn't know this person. She got up and headed to the en-suite.
'Where ya going?' He asks disappointment ringing through his question.
She turns back, the retching feeling overcoming her again 'I don't feel well' she replies through gritted teeth.
She slumps back on the floor next to the toilet dizzy in her own thoughts trying to fight the lump in her throat. She retches, loud and dry. Nothing left to come out but she can't shake the feeling of betrayal, somebody else touching her man. Jack knocks on the door 'you okay bab?' His voice quiet, he try's to open the door but it's locked 'open the door Soph!'
She stands and turns to unlock the door feeling unsteady on her feet 'Soph you okay? You don't look right yknow?' She can't tell if he's next to her or still at the door every thing seems so fuzzy.
'Who is she jack?' She shouts but now the whole room is spinning she reaches out to grab the towel rail but misses, misplacing her steps she falls feeling a sharp thud to the side of her head
'SOPH' jacks voice, the last thing she hears before her whole world goes silent.
5 hours earlier

'You sure she ain't gonna hate me for this?' Jack questions as they enter a nightclub. John had taken him to the latest hotspot in Manchester in hopes to repair the upset he caused Jack earlier.
John raises an eyebrow at jack 'absolutely not, Jo said she'll be in on it too, but we just need to check it out first'
He still didn't know if a surprise party was right thing to do, but John and jo were the lead of it and if anyone knew her best it was jo.
They push past the crowds to the vip 'omg Jack Grealish, can we have a picture please' two girls cry from a booth at the side. He found it hard to say no to people so nodded and posed with his peace sign before getting back on johns heals. As they approach vip there was a smartly dressed women holding a clip board
'John' she nods as a greeting  'Jack'
'Hi, you must be Katie?' John smiles at her 'sorry were abit late'
They follow Katie to a private booth at the back where they start to discuss party options and prices.
'No price is to much, she's a diamond. Just not to elaborate, she's classy yknow' he smiles at the event planner who writes classy in capital letters and underlines it.
'I got ya, if theres anything you want to add or bring, any ideas at all give me a call okay' they nod and she hands them both a card.
'Thanks Katie' John shakes her hand, followed by Jack. And they exit back to the taxi.

Sophs woken by sounds of continuous beeping
'Nurse, nurse' she hears jacks thick brummie accent calling for help. Why would there be a nurse in her house, she try's to lift her head off the pillow but her head feels like it's split in two, she cry's in agony. 'Shhh it's alright bab, just try and stay still yeah the nurse is coming' he squeezes her hand.
'J..j...j' her mouth dry unable to get her words out, jack holds a straw to her lips. She swallows but the ringing radiates through her head, she try's to blink finding it hard to open her eyes 'ja..jack'
She squeezes his hand back to make sure he's actually there 'it's okay bab, you're in hospital but I'm here, Ada has mae, everything's going to be fine'
He lifts her hand to kiss it, rubbing his fingers over her knuckles.
30 minutes after leaving the nightclub

'Do we have to do it now?' Jack questions John.
John shifts to the centre to look out the front window of the taxi 'well we're here now'
The taxi pulls up at John, jo stood outside waiting to let them in, the tip of her cigarette burning in the dark. 'Are you ready to plan a party or what?' She does a little jiggle pleased with herself that she's managed to get them to agree with her idea.
'At 1am in the morning not really yknow, I'd rather be at home with me girlfriend' he pushes his eye brows together
Jo waves them inside 'it's alright though it's for your girlfriend' she winks and hands them both a bottle of beer.
'Right so her birthdays friday, does that work around matches?' She sits with her pen and paper exactly like Katie in the nightclub.
'We don't have a match till Tuesday so Friday works' he smiles hoping she doesn't have that many questions, all's he want to do is be at home tucked up with Soph.

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