Meant to be- REN(NU'EST)~•

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You were running home from work. Which you were late leaving.

You ran down the busy streets of Seoul. Dodging people, apologizing as you go.

You were wearing your favorite blue jackets, black jeans, and brown ankle high flat boots. You didn't really care if it got dirty, you could always clean it. But hopefully it won't get stained.

As you ran along you pulled out your small, hand-sized phone from your pocket. Being too busy by checking the time, you ran into guy. Both you and him falling to the ground. He ended up on top of you.

You groaned in pain as you opened your eyes, which you closed while falling.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The boy said.

You tried to get a look of him, he had long blond hair pulled back by a thin hair elastic.

"No it was entirely my fault. I should have been watching where I was going." You said as he got up, offering you a hand.

You looked at the hand wondering if you should take it or not. You decided to take it and you hesitantly took his hand.

He just smiled and pulled you off the cool ground. "My name is Choi Minki. But you can call me Ren." He said holding your hand, as if he didn't want you to leave.

"It's nice to meet you Ren, Oppa. I'm ______." You said returning his smile. "Um Ren, I'm sorry but I need to go. I'm kinda running late getting home."

"Oh, sorry for holding you up. I hope we can meet again sometime." Ren said sadly. "But maybe before you go, do you think I could get your number?"

"Yeah, of course." You said pulling out a slip of paper from your side bag. You scribbled down your number and handed it to him.

"I've got to be going. Sorry about running into you. See you later Ren!" You said running off. He just waved goodbye.

As soon as you reached your front door you received a text from an unknown number. You opened it and it said 'Hey there _____! Haven't seen you in a while.' You instantly knew it was Ren.

You walked into your home smiling at your phone screen.

"_____! Why are you late? You better have a good reason for this." You heard your dad's low, husky voice ring in front of you.

"Well I worked late. And then I bumped into someone, we started talking. I lost track of time. Sorry dad." You said hoping he wouldn't ask why you were smiling a bit.

"Is this 'someone' by any chance a boy?" Your dad said curiously. You started panicking. You remembered the last time your dad found out you met a boy.

It didn't end up so well, to put it in better words.

After not hearing a response, your dad got furious. "You know how I feel about you meeting boys, _____! Why can't you just listen to me once."

"But Dad! This guy is different, I'm telling you the truth. Maybe you need to listen to me first. I think that I might actually like him. He is very nice, I bet you'll even like him. Just give him a chance." You said finally feeling better about confronting him.

"Okay, I guess I could give him a chance. But if he hurts my little girl, he is going to have to deal with me." He said getting protective over you.

"Don't worry dad, I don't think he'll hurt me." You said smiling. You started to head up to your room.

Pulling out your phone, you texted him saying 'By any chance you want to meet my dad?'

As soon as you sent it, minutes later you received a text back.

'I wouldn't mind. Could I bring a few of my friends, if its not any trouble.'

'Sure. The more the merrier. I'll text you when it is.'

You rested in your bed and threw your phone onto it beside you. Sighing you closed your eyes, smiling.


I started this one before my requests, might as well finish it.

I'll work on your requests.

Hope you enjoyed!

najunge bwa!


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