Don't Go- Sehun(EXO)~•

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You raised your hand, moving your finger gesturing him to follow you. He accepting my followed you, as you waltz down the misshaped, stoned path.

Not saying a word, not exchanging comments nor explanations. It was a silent, peaceful atmosphere in the majestic garden.

Turning a quick glance to make sure you still had your follower still behind. Not giving him a slight hint what was going on or happening.

There was a prep in your step at the sky got darker, yet the path lights brightened. Not making the sight any different effect.

He followed behind not asking questions just followed, curious. It was a new experience to him and you, yourself. But it never changed anything.

The further you went, the sadder you got. There was a reason behind your strangeness. You just never wanted to accept it.

Finally the path came to an end, bringing you and him to a stop also. You turned around seeing that he was inches from you. Glancing down to your feet, not wanting to make eye contact. The over sized sweater you wore, bunched up in your fists.

He came closer to you placing his left hand on your right shoulder, with his right, he lifted your chin with his index finger and thumb. He brought your eyes to his desperate ones. Wanting to know the situation.

He brought his right hand down, keeping his gaze with you. You brought your hand and rested it on his left one, that is place on your right shoulder.

Your tears had started to pile into your eyes, trying hard to keep them in, not to let them flow. But time was not on your side, the tears streamed down your face. Leaving a trace down your rosy cheeks.

His eyes widened at the sight, as if he knew what you meant. Shaking his head tears also piled in his eyes. You bit your lower lip, to try keeping it from trembling any further.

Swiftly he gripped your hands into his hands, keeping you in place. He didn't want you to go, leave him. You brought the happiness to his life.

Little did he know it had to be done. You didn't want to get in the way of his career, nor did you want him to neglect his band mates.

You slipped your hands from his and guided his back to his sides. Gave him one last kiss on the cheek, small smile. It all held your tears and sadness.

His face was reddened, tear stricken like your's had been. Your lip trembled from the sight, taking in deep breathes.

Giving one last wave of your hand, you slowly stepped away.

"Don't go, ____..." 

"I'm sorry Sehun..."


If you didn't know this was written/ inspired by EXO's song- Don't Go.

I love that song!!

I couldn't resist not writing this.

I hope you all enjoyed it, sorry if it is confusing or not.



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