Rescued- Kiseop(U-Kiss)~•

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You were walking home from a late night work shift. Your boss was nice enough to let you leave 15 minutes early. You ran lucky today, usually your boss would leave before your shift was over, but she was in a good mood today.

Walking down the dark, dead streets of Busan you felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Slipping your hand into your jean pocket, you pulled out your small touch screen phone. You saw a text message on your screen from an unknown number.

It read:

'Isn't it a bit dangerous for a girl like you to be walking home this late at night?'

You shook it off thinking someone just sent it to the wrong person. Closing the message you put the phone in your jacket pocket. You continued on walking home that was a few more blocks away.

Your phone vibrated again. Pulling it out once again, only to have another text from the unknown number.

'You may want to watch your back, Sweetheart. You never know if a creeper could be following you.'

Beginning to panic, you turned around checking to see if anyone was following you. You saw no one was there. Taking in a deep breath you turned back around and began to walk home once again.

But you ran into a man.

"I'm sorry, forgive me." You said bowing not making eye contact. You tried to walk around him, but he stepped into the way.

"I'm sorry, but I need to be getting home. Excuse me." You said trying to be polite, but in reality you were terrified.

"Sorry there, sweetheart, that won't be able to happen." He man's voice boomed. He grabbed you and pushed you into a nearby alley.

"Please let me go and I won't tell anyone about this." You said trying anyway you can just get away from the man that smelt of alcohol.

"Not is not going to happen." He said with an evil smirk. He reached into his back pocket. You kept your eyes on him.

But before he had the chance to do anything someone punched the man. You had tears screaming down your face. Sinking to the ground, your knees to your chest.

"Ani, ani, ani. This can't be happening to me." you mumbled, looking at the man that is on the ground. Seeing what he reached in his pocket for, it laid on the ground.

It was a gun.

Shaking, you cried harder knowing that you life almost came to an end. You felt a pair of arms wrap around your back and under your knees. You looked up to the stranger. Wiggling in his arms, trying to get away. You thought he worked with the other. But having a second thought. 'Why would he take that man down if they worked together?'

"Don't worry, I'm not a bad guy. You can trust me. So now where do you live?" He said ripping you firmer so you wouldn't fall.

"I actually live on the next bolck, number is 348. Who are you? How did you manage to find me?" You asked the boy. Finally being able to see is features. You realized that he looked about your age, light brown hair.

"Well my name is Lee KiSeop, but you could just call me Kiseop. And how I found was because I was walking by, an saw an old guy trying to rape a young beautiful girl." He said glancing at you and smirked.

You both sat there quiet for the rest of the walk. Until you reached your house.

"This is my stop." You said pointing to the house. Kiseop sadly put you down and walked you up to your door.

"Well thanks for saving me Kiseop. I owe you one. I hope you make it home safely and have a good night." You said reaching into your pocket and retrieved your house key.

Just as you were about to walk into the house Kiseop grabbed your hand. Pulling on it so you wouldn't leave. Turning to the brown-haired boy, you looked surprised.

"I have not gotten your name yet." He said looking at you.

"Oh yeah, silly me. I'm ______." You said smiling and turning red with embarrassment.

"Well ____. I just want you to know that seeing you made my day or rather night. I hope we'll be able to meet again sometime. But before you go I need to give you something." Kiseop said pulling you towards him.

You nodded confusingly. The nervousness was rising to your cheeks as he leaned in. You soon found yourself leaning in also.

Your lips touched and the kiss sent sparks, bombs, explosions.

As if you two were meant to be.


This is for my Unnie Jay, (@1DTWKPOPLove).  

Since she liked Kiseop from U-Kiss and I haven't done any for U-Kiss.

Guys I'm also not in the brightest moods, but I won't say why.

Anyway don't forget to comment, vote, or even follow me. I would highly appreciate it!!! No lie.

Annyeonghi gaseyo!!*bows*


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