Gone Forever- Minhyuk (BTOB)~•

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That's what it reeks of in the hospital. Making it more dreadful and mournful by just walking in. You couldn't stand it.

Your Umma was in the hospital and you stayed with her. She had Cancer and the doctors think she won't make it. You wanted to savor all the moments you could with her.

Your Umma wasn't that old actually. She was in her mid 40's. It made you upset knowing your umma will be dying at such a young age. But you wanted to over look the creeping death.

Though she couldn't leave the hospital, you had to work with it. You gave her wheelchair tides around the halls, took pictures, and whatnot.

As she was taking her nap you looked around her dull, white room. The evening sun was creeping through the window. You walked over to the slightly open window looking out at the pastel colored sky.

It having slight yellow left, pink and an orange peaking in with it. Having it also being over the, seemingly endless, reflecting water.

Hearing the long beeping you'd usually hear when an oven just finished cooking the contents inside.

Your head flew to your umma's heart monitor, only to see a straight line. Your adrenaline running through your veins. Rushing to the halls of the hospital yelling, "Someone help!" To soon rush back into the room.

The nurses and doctors rushing in after you, they come to a stop. One doctor gave you a solemn look on his face. Then it hit you.

She was gone.


There was no way of bringing her back.

You burst into tears. Hands over your mouth trying to silence your cries. But nothing seemed to work.

A nurse came to your side and have you a comforting hug. You gladly accepted and returned it.

You walked to the hallway. Trying to comprehend the event, with tears streaming down your face. Taking a seat that was set outside your umma's room. Stuffing your face into your hands once again. Sadness running over your body.

You felt a slight tap on your right shoulder. Looking up from your hands you saw a boy. Well not like a little boy, a boy around your age.

"Hey. You look sad." He said as he took a seat by you. He observed your face, you feeling a bit embarrassed felt your face turn a slight pink.

You just wanted to curl away, but didn't. You and him have been sitting there not moving, staring at each other for the past few minutes. Getting a few glances from pass-byers. Being with this boy made you forget about your umma. He made it seem like nothing had ever happened. That your umma was still alive and healthy. When in reality she wasn't.

At the thought you wanted to burst into tears. The boy seeing this quickly wrapped you in a hug. Not the kind perverted people would, but a comforting one.

"Th-thank you." You said through your hiccuping.

"It was nothing. Really. Now," he said pulling away still facing you, he stuck his hand out gesturing for you to shake his hand. "I'm Minhyuk." He gave you a small smile.

You took his hand, shaking it. "_____. It's nice to meet you Minhyuk." You said finally having your tears stop.

It felt like something new was going to start. Like a friendship.

Or maybe...

Something more.



Goodness, forgive me for not updating in who knows how long.

I believe I have two more Oneshots then I'll take more requests.

I also am updating LHTS. For those who do or want to read it.

Thank you for reading.

Votes/Feedback/follows are all appreciated.


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