Relationship fights Pt. 2- Hangeng(Super Junior)

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Hangeng stood outside your door, sighing. He should of known that this was going to happen one point in your relationship. No relationship can not have at least one fight in it.

He soon gave up waiting to see if you would come out forgiving him.

You sat on your couch once again over thinking the whole situation. You knew that when you started dating Hangeng that it would be like this.

Not seeing him for long periods of time, him being busy a lot, and worst of all having to keep the relationship a secret. At first you thought it would be alright then this happening.

'Well I guess I could have overreacted in the situation.' You thought to yourself. Looking around, trying to seek your wall clock. After finally finding it, it read 8:30 pm.

You and Hangeng's fight was around 7 pm. You had no idea where he would have gone. Then you realized something.

You needed Hangeng.

Racing out of your apartment you pulled out your phone. Looking for Hangeng's name in your contacts.

"Of all times Hangeng, please answer your phone now." You mumbled clicking call and put it up to your ear.

Reaching your car, you opened the drivers door and hopped in and waited for Hangeng's voice to sound.

"Hasigi balabnid, hasigi balabnid answer." You said hopeful.


Smiling you answered back.

"Hangeng! Where are you?"

"I'm at the park."

"Which park?"

"The one we first met at. Why?"

"I wanted to apologize. I'll explain as soon as I get there." You said hanging up and drove to the park where you first met.

As you pulled up you saw Hangeng sitting on a bench by a nearby tree. Taking one last deep breath, you got out of your car and slammed the door.

As you walked over to him he looked up at you. Getting up and and walked slowly towards you.

"Jagi-" he tried to talk, but you stopped him by placing your hand on his cheek.

"No, you shouldn't have to talk. I should. I'm sorry for overreacting. I knew from the start that you would be busy. I should have never acted like that." You said looking him in the eyes. Bringing your hand back down to your side.

Hangeng grabbed the same hand before it was all the way down.

"Ani, _____, I love you, and I should have sent you a text. I love you Jagiya." Hangeng said pulling your hand to his chest.

You nodded looking down to your feet. Only to have Hangeng to lift it back up to look at him. He leaned down and have you a soft lips on your lips.

Knowing that you forgave him.


Took forever to update sorry.

I've had a long week. Only one person knows why and I really don't want to write it again.

Annyeonghi gaseyo!*bows*


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