Actions Speak Louder Than Words: G-Dragon(Requested)

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     [TRIGGER WARNING!!]       

1:30 a.m.
H-he's probably just caught in traffic... Don't doubt him (y/n) he'll be here soon enough....
I paced back and forth across the living room floor, where I awaited my boyfriend's arrival back home. I quickly moved to plop on the couch and anxiously wait, finishing my thought,
...I hope...
5:30 a.m.
I jolt awake once a slamming of the front door sounded around the house. Standing up to greet him with a stern look, I notice the messiness of his hair and clothing. Then a putrid smell hit my nose like a punch to the face...
Cigarette smoke and cheap perfume...
Was I not good enough for him? I thought as he moves to hang up his jacket and set down his wallet, phone, and keys onto the table near the door. Soon enough he walked over to me and pressed me to his chest for a hug. I hesitantly hugged him back, hating the smell that his clothes wreaked of.
"You didn't have to wait up for me," he laughed as he pulled away and looked me in the eyes, seeing the tiredness in them.
"Oh trust me Jiyong, I tried not to." I lied. Maybe if I lied to myself all these thoughts would go away.
"Let's head to bed." He smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist and led me to our bed room where we laid there. He held me tightly against his chest and we fell asleep together.
This pattern continued for weeks after the first incident. I felt pathetic, useless, and just straight out depressed that I wasn't good enough for my boyfriend, who I dated for nearly two years. I couldn't think of anything to do, I hurt too much inside. I know it's stupid, but I had to.
One night after he left I went into the bathroom and closed, locking, the door. I turned to the mirror and stared at myself finally realizing my flaws. I dug into one the drawers under the sink, pulling out a small blade. I pulled up my sleeve and brought the blade to my wrist.
A image of Jiyong flashed into my head.
Kwon Ji Yong
What is this aching I feel in my chest? Without a second thought going through my mind, anger took over and I started dragging the blade across my skin. The slight stinging sensation I felt was a nice feeling, I did it again.
And again.
And again.
This continued till blood was spilling out of my wrist, I felt faint. I started wobbling back and forth, soon enough falling to the ground I was no longer able to stand.
I turned my face to look at my wrist, where a puddle quickly grew.
This must be what death felt like..
Part of me wanted Ji Yong to come home and save me, the other part is telling me he'll never miss me.
I started seeing my life flash before my eyes when a loud pounding on the door caught my attention.
"(Y/N)! Please come out..." I heard him saying, but it was too late. There is no turning back now. My eyes slowly closed as I heard him on the phone with the police.
Was this the end?

My question was soon answered as I heard the beeping of a heart monitor. I willed my eyes open and looked around. My neck was a bit stiff but I guess that should be normal. I turned my head to my left to spot the oh so familiar dark hair.
What was he doing here? Does he have some other new play toy to be with?
Kwon Ji Yong
He sat in a chair next to my bed, asleep. I so realized that he was firmly holding my hand.
How long was I out? The sound of movement came from the once sleeping figure, I quickly closed my eyes soon hearing Ji Yong speak. To me.
"(Y/N) please wake up soon. It's now day 3 of you laying here with the same expression. I miss seeing your smile. It went away a few weeks ago and it rarely got the chance to shine."

He paused.

" I know I have done you wrongs. I admit it, I didn't mean to though it just happened. I never meant for it to last this long and to cause this to happen..(y/n) please...the doctors told me that if I talk to you that there is a possibility you'd hear me." He said hopeful and yet sad. I could hear the sincerity in his voice. His cheating could've been anything from him intentionally to an obsessed girl.
I slowly opened my eyes, fearing what face I may be greeted with. I decided I couldn't play charades forever.
"Ji Yong... I have to clue what to say. Don't you understand the way you made me feel? I felt pathetic and useless." Ji Yong sat there staring at me shocked and happy to see me awake. His face slowly changed to sadness and disappointment.
"I felt like I wasn't good enough. I questioned the fact about why you even loved me? Was I just another play toy to yo-" I was releasing my fury that I had held in for so long. When suddenly I was silenced with a pair of lips on mine. I instinctively melted into the kiss. He pulled away and pressed our foreheads together.
"I would never intentionally hurt you..could we please work this out?" He said staring into my eyes. I nodded and he moved into the hospital bed with me and we drifted into sleep.


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