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I glanced at the gun in the draw, but I didn't want to pick it up. It's almost like I'm trigger happy at the moment, and so it's best to stay unarmed for everyone else's safety.

I pushed the draw shut and ran up the stairs into my living room. The janitor had his head in a cupboard, and the familiar scene made me smile. He had always been part of our family, and him and my father were close. I could trust him, and he would always have my back. No matter who else betrays me, I feel like he'll always be there, it's weird. It's like he was more of a father to me than my real father, but I don't mind.

"Hey Al." I said, walking over to the kitchen.

"Anthony! How are you? Need any help?" He laughed, turning around to face me, and kicking the cupboard shut.

"I'm good, and I hope you are too. A little busy if anything... I've got a lot of places to be right now."

He shrugged, "Part of the job I guess. Your father was always working at his desk, barely even got out, though he always managed to get in trouble. That man knew how to stay at that desk and still get his hands dirty."

"I guess, he was working a lot. I didn't expect this much to do though... But turning everyone over to a crooked force is kind of difficult and time consuming." I gave an awkward laugh at the strange statement I made, calling us evil was a weird thing to admit to another member of the family.

"I'm here to help, and so is the rest of the team. I don't just clean things up, I can do other things too. I think you've been missing a few things out, the whole winning over the town isn't the most important thing, we have business deals too."

"No, no. I don't want to do anymore dirty work, I'm trying to turn this organization around. I just have a lot of people to talk to, and I guess that the Consig has been doing most of the deals for me."

"Well good, keep talking to people and getting out of the house. You'll learn soon enough that the only way forward is painted red. It's a shame, but it's not really a choice."

"Okay... Well anyway I need to go out now and meet with some friends."

"Have fun, and make sure to carry a weapon." He paused, "By friends do you mean those boys?" He clicked his fingers a few times trying to catch their names.


He laughed, "I guess they've grown up now. I meant those two you and John were friends with, the other Anthony and what's his face?"

"Oh, Anthony and Steven. Yes it's them, and my other friend. Laura."

"Laura? But I thought you were-"

I cut him off quickly, "No. I'm not. I have to go now, stay as long as you want. I'll be back before the sun is too far up."

He shrugged, "Okay. Stay safe."

I nodded and walked out the door, shutting it quietly.

The Familia. (ZeRoyalChaos TOS fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now