Letters from the dead.

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My legs ache, and the sun will rise soon. I made good time, and I can go to confront Max. Laura's corpse still haunted my thoughts, and as I shuffled through the streets I stopped outside 'her' house. It was technically Max's house, and the thought of him finding the messages before me was now prominent. If Steven is found dead tomorrow I'll blame myself, but if the messages get destroyed and Steven is fine I'll regret it.

Just get your fucking messages. Laura would want you to.

Get them now. You can read them whenever, just go and get them.

The voices actually helped for once, and were being logical. It's a refreshing change.

I walked up the house and opened the door. The house stood still, and it felt dead. Every home has an air about it, some sort of personality. When you walk into a house and everything is left unfinished, tasks paused to answer a knock at the door, and you know the owner will never return to complete anything left behind... It simply feels dead.

The house smells like incense and scented candles, there's a ouija board on the table surrounded by unlit candles. The chair at the table is pushed out, but Laura won't ever sit back down.

Carefully I move to the bookshelf, trying not to knock anything, wanting to preserve this state of loss within the house.

At the right end of the top shelf I found the book. It stuck out over the edge, as if she was in a hurry to put it away. She was probably starting a seance when Max arrived.

Taking it down, I ran my hands over the worn cover. The leather was aged, and it smelt musky. When I opened it I noticed the pages were a faded yellow, the book was probably quite old.

The temptation to read the messages took over.

Entry 1, night 1.

This town seems calmer than the last. Maybe it'll end better here?

None of the dead are very talkative. It's possible they don't care about the town's hierarchy... I wish it was that simple for all of us.

I decided to skip towards the back, where she said the messages were. The first thing I noticed was a change in handwriting half way down the page.

I've lost track of the nights and entry numbers, oh well. This is the night I held a seance to contact John, Anthony's brother.

Anthony, I'm so proud of you. You're doing so well. Nothing will stop your success at this point, and your strength is unbelievable. I'm glad that you understand murder isn't the only way forward.
Seeing you reunited with Galm and Ze was a good surprise, and I know they're going to protect you. Trusting them is key. Don't think about how we've changed and grown, remember how we worked as a team.
Resurrecting me is the wrong thing to do, I've found peace in death. Max is your biggest risk, and bringing Adam back might fix this so that the fighting can stop. Please, don't revive me. I can't face everyone again, and I won't be able to hide forever, and they would know.
Tell Galm that I- A word has been scribbled out - never blamed him. It wasn't his fault, and I know he tried to save me.


Tonight I seance Adam. I thought it could be helpful for Anthony, but I still refuse for Max to be present.

I've been told this message will reach you, Chilled. I wasn't sure what to say, but I figured there are some important things. People knew me for being devious and troublesome, but I grew into my role and took on my responsibilities. I did what I had to. Max knows how I acted, and in my death I think he adopted my previous traits. He is more dangerous than ever, and I cannot trust him with human life.
I love him more than words can say. I love him the way we all know you love Ze. Watching from here has it's benefits, despite the whole being dead to get here thing.
Max is a good man, but I feel that watching me die in his arms, broke him. Thanks for that. He has broken the rules of the town, and abused the power I showed him I had.
I know you want to revive your brother, and I won't be angry if you do. You barely knew me. I could help Max, maybe he's still fixable if we work together?
As much as I know I will regret this message, kill Max. Detain him if you think that will suffice, or bring me back to life, otherwise he needs to be killed. I trust you to be kind and fast with his demise, please. It's the least you can do for a murdered innocent.
Tell him I still love him, tell him I'll be waiting.


Today I held an open seance, and Anthony's father connected to me first.

Son. It's been a while since I died, and you've come far. Pride is a strong word, but it definitely describes this feeling. The greatest gift God gave me was my two amazing sons. Boys who grew into strong and determined men. Either of you would have made a good leader, but you have surpassed my expectations.
I want you to be proud of yourself, and simply be yourself. Laura is a nice girl, but she isn't right for you. Be with Steven. I can accept who you are, because I understand that it doesn't effect your ability to lead. The family might disagree, but you are their leader. Whatever objections they have, just watch your back. An inside job is difficult, and often unsuccessful.
Good luck, my son.


This time I tried to contact Anthony's mother. It will be a quick seance, as I intend to take him the letters tonight. It was just a last minute thought, a gift.

Anthony I- The ink smudges and there is nothing else written past this page. It's the last entry.

I want to sit down and cry, but I know that I need to go home and change. I close the book and stuff it into my coat pocket. My hands are shaking, and my breathing is rough. I get out of the house and head for my own in a rush. People will be out soon, and it would be suspicious to exit the residence of a dead town member.

When I get inside I stand awkwardly, unsure of my next action. The sudden overflow of information leaves my mind racing. I have serious decisions to make, and not much time to do so. There is also a hidden, but growing, sense of loss setting in. Although these people have been gone a long time, I just lost communication with them. The book in my pocket holds their last messages to the living.

I need to make up my mind, and get to work. Fast.

Is this good? Is this enough? I know it's been a while, but I've been busy and lazy.
I saw Jurassic World, and it was brilliant. Chris Pratt is great. I went to see it with a friend, but no one else turned up. So it was our awkward 'first date' XD
I finished mock week and I expect that it went awfully, I still have a final piece to finish for art, and I need to learn a script and finish a performance for drama.
But hey, I break up for summer in less than a month, and I'm going to stay with my sister then.
I hope everyone else is doing good, STAY FRESH ^-^

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