Forsaken Memories

715 52 37

Good time wasted, plan ruined. That's all I can think as I stare at them from the doorway, tangled and cuddling in the sheets. Any progress made on turning Steven against Anthony, has just evaporated. Pulling their relationship apart is more difficult than I thought. My eyes travel to the gun on the bedside table, and then to Chilled. It could be so easy...  But where's the fun in that? If I shot him in his sleep I wouldn't get to watch him struggle, or beg me to stop. Simply boring.

I'm surprised that he stayed the full night, it was a stupid choice. Maybe he thought I wouldn't check up on Steven in the morning? If so, he was wrong. Guess I wont be getting Steven to vote for him today, it was so close to being over. It's just a real shame, because now I have to kill both of them. I did think about killing Steven in front of Anthony, but I ditched that idea a while ago. I quite liked Steven, he was clever. 

Closing the door to his room, I left them sleeping, and headed for town. Steven and him would miss the trials, what a shame. The streets are the same as always at this time, not busy, but there are some people going about their business. I'm leaving later than usual, but I have a while before I need to be at the town centre. No-one sticks out, nothing particularly strange. I turn to walk down an alley between two houses, and a hand lands on my shoulder. I take a deep breath and force myself to not act out violently. Turns out I'm done with idiots getting involved in my plans today.

The man looks at me, and he's smiling. I can't read his intentions, but his expression is friendly and warm. I can't help but be baffled, just utterly confused as to why he's doing this here and now.

"Do I know you?" I ask, stepping back from him.

"You don't remember me? It hasn't been that long Max." He seems disappointed, confusing me further.

"How do you know my name? I've never even seen you before."

Hurt, he's hurt by my words. 

"It's me..." He reaches out towards me and I step back again. "It's me, Adam. I'm Adam."

Adam. The name sets alarm bells ringing in my head. The one from Laura's notebook, the one who told Chilled to detain or kill me. The one who claimed to love me, but said that I should die. Suddenly all the memories come together, the blurred face being replaced with the clear image before me now. A headache hits me like a brick wall, and the pain is overwhelming. I need to sit down, I need to get away.

"Y- You want me dead..." I manage to stutter out.

"Max are you okay? What hurts?"

I shuffled backwards so there is a large distance between us, "You want me dead, don't you? You wanted that filthy orphan degenerate to fucking stab me whilst I slept- You sent him last night and he got distracted!"

"No, Max- I would never. I love you, I told Chilled to stay away. I'm trying to make things better, I want the fighting to stop." He tried to move closer.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I shouted, falling to my knees. The headache was slowly making my vision blurry. "You're dead, you're meant to be fucking dead. He killed you, I fucking remember that much."

The Familia. (ZeRoyalChaos TOS fanfiction)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora