Take Action.

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I looked up from my bloody hand prints on the floor, to see Max and Steven stood in my front room. There was an air of awkwardness, and each of us stayed where we were. The tension froze us momentarily, but Max stood with his smug grin shown in his body language.

"Anthony, Max said you'd got in trouble. What happened?" Steven looked horrified as he scanned me.

My shirt was drenched in blood, and my hands were a sticky mess. Max had a concerned facial expression, but the smirk beneath it was easy to detect.

"Steven, listen to me now, please. Do not stay with or near Max." I said it slowly and calmly.

"Not this again. I came here to help you."

"Then Max can leave." I suggested, feeling helpless. Wanting Steven near somehow comes with consequence of dealing with Max.

Max shrugged and trudged past me, walking out of the door without saying a word or waiting for Steven to reply.

Steven moved over to me, and just stood there for a second.

"I'm not sure where to start..." He admitted, watching me.

"I suggest that I get changed."

He nodded, waiting for me to exit the room to do so. My heart rate picked up as I considered doing things in a flirtatious manner. I could ignore all the current problems and lose myself in his company, now, while I have him alone and alive.
You just killed your friend, but go ahead. De-stress with your little boyfriend.
Let's just hope the dead know when to look away.

Contemplating it for a while longer, Steven noticed my hesitation. He rolled his eyes and sighed, pulling my coat off my shoulders. I was too surprised to react. He's undressing me.
He's being a good friend, you creep.

He simply dropped my coat and started to unbutton my shirt, it also ended up strewn carelessly on the floor.

When he looked me in the eyes he was a mixture of innocence and temptation. He was probably thinking the same things as me. "You can take off the rest on your own."

"I don't know, I might need your help..." I didn't filter my words, they just came out.
I'm going to vomit. Please don't have sex right now.

The thought made me blush, and Steven smiled.

"I don't think so. Go and get changed, I'll sort out this mess."

Steven picked up the bloodied clothes and looked at me confused. He rummaged in my coat pocket, and pulled out Laura's notebook. I snatched it from his grip, earning a hurt look.

"It belonged to Laura. It's personal." I tried to make an excuse, but he only seemed more upset by it.

"What can't you show me? Don't you trust me?"

"I mean... It's just a little unusual, and incriminating... Laura died, this is her blood." I gestured from the coat to my trousers.

Steven paused, "How did she die?"

"Max forced me to shoot her, and then she asked me to kill her because the wound was too painful." I decided to spare him any further details.

"But Max isn't a transporter."

"He isn't anything. He abandoned his role, found a loophole. He hates me for what I did, and he wants to punish me."

"Do you have any proof?" His scepticism only made me more angry, and partially envious of his trust for Max. It made it clear where his loyalties lie.

I opened Laura's notebook and found Adam's message, handing it to Steven. "Read that."

Quickly he scan read it, and then turned the page. Before he could read anymore I tried to take the book back.

He looked at me, eyebrows raised. "I saw my name, I'm reading the entry."

I let go of the book. 'Be with Steven. I can accept who you are.' Fuck.

"I'm going to change." I said, running up the stairs.

"Who's Adam? Why did you kill him?" He called after me.

I got dressed slowly, trying to find an explanation for the suggestion of me and Steven's relationship. Something along the lines of their suspicions because of when I took his gun. Simple, easy to believe. Explaining why I killed Adam was just going to be the truth, because as twisted as it is, it makes sense. Once fully clothed I returned to find Steven, and Laura's notebook, gone.

Double fuck.
Smooth moves you idiot. Why did you leave him with the book? It was a stupid move, but I'm sure Steven has a reason.

I opened the front door and I was bombarded with sunlight. People were starting to walk the streets, and I had to join them. People were gathering at the gallows with increasing speed, and I rushed along with them to seem in place.

Steven and Max were both absent from the crowd, and as time progressed I became more worried.
He still doesn't trust you. He'd rather believe Max. He probably stole the book to show to Max. They're laughing at you.
Don't listen. Steven is innocent, and he cares about you.

Galm took his place, and I wished there was more time. I wanted to slip out of the crowd and go to find them. This over emotional reaction is a liability.

The town didn't vote anyone up, though a few people singled me out. Mark, still as faithful as ever, covered for me. Jack helped him, so people caught on and discussion pretty much stopped. Yet the most important thing was that neither Max or Steven were present in the chat. Steven was usually quiet, but Max was known for contributing information.

I got sick of waiting, being helpless. Steven could be bleeding out at this very moment, Max taking enjoyment from his pain. The twisted realities kept coming, and my rage started to grow.
Yes! Get the fuck up and sort your shit out. Do something, now! Take fucking action.

The other voice didn't respond, like I was blocking it out.
Destroy Max. Crush him.

As the voting drew to an end I stormed out of my cubicle. Quickly locating Galm I hugged him, using the common interaction to my advantage.

"Give me the retributionist's address, right now." I whispered, the aggression clear in my tone.


"Do not forget who the fuck I am. Tell me or I will have you fucking killed."

Galm seemed frightened, and I regretted having to be so authoritative.

"House 54." He sounded pissed, like he despised me for manipulating him. "Leave John be."

"Fuck off." I shoved him away and started in the direction of the house.

I don't even want to know what Max is doing with Steven, I've snapped. I'm going to do what I should done a lone time ago. I'll fuck over Max's head, like he did to mine, and then I'll murder him. It won't be fast, I won't grant mercy on Adam's behalf, it'll be brutal.

It's what he deserves.

Well... I don't know what to say today...
This is drawing to a close, or should be soon. I hope you're still enjoying it, and you're not too annoyed at me for not consistently updating.
Like I said, I'm lazy... XD
When this is over I'm not sure what to do. I don't want this account to die out, because I love this community. Do I write something else?
Any suggestions help ^-^

P.s I didn't proof read this, and I wrote it in an evening. Probably a bad idea, but I felt like it XD

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