Valkyrie Practical Test

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Theresa's POV

"Without further ado, let's begin the practical test for the upcoming Valkyries!" I told them through the microphone as the people in the colosseum started going wild with cheering. "Sheesh, where do these people get their energy from?" I whispered to myself but enough for the ones around me to hear it.

"Ahhh... it must be nice to be so young." Himeko said, popping open a can of root beer.

"Himeko, now is not the time to drink. We still have to evaluate these upcoming Valkyries." I said to her as she finishes her drink in one gulp.

"Fine, I'll drink some more later." She sighed. "Do we have any interesting girls that are going to participate?"

"According to what Mei said and what I have checked so far, there's no one so far. Maybe they'll show it once we start evaluating them." Hua said, skimming through the participants files in a holoscreen beside her. "Also, their weapons are all like the ones we already have. Swords or Katanas, Greatswords, and Guns. We also do have the our experimental weapons, the Bows. Nothing interes-" She cut herself off as she swiped the profiles to Seele's and Veliona's.

"What does it say, Hua?" I questioned her. She pushed the holoscreen on the left and the screen hovered towards us as it shown us the information. It showed Seele with her main weapon which is a scythe and Veliona with her main weapon which are claws. I was surprised by what their weapons are by the two profiles Hua showed to us.

"Ara~ looks like we'll have some interesting girls. They don't look strong at all but I can tell that they don't show their strength in their appearance alone." Himeko commented.

"Let's see the others." I said, swiping the screen from right to left. It revealed another interesting participant who is a male that wields a scythe as well. "Oh no... We'll have another male participant huh? I hope that this time, he'll make it to the end."

Himeko relaxed back on her chair. "It's been a long time since we had any male participants wanting to be Valkyries. They never made it to the end and eventually gave up on becoming Valkyries." She sighed.

"At least they're helping the Valkyries after we told them that they can still help us here and in Schicksal HQ. Mei, you've told him the reason why there are no male Valkyries nowadays right?" Hua said, turning to Mei who has her own seat on a separate table behind them, next to a white haired girl who is helping her.

"Yes, Hua-san. But he said that he will make it to the end along with the two girls you were looking at before you switched profiles." She said, making us curious about them.

"I see then... Well, let's wait for them to see what they can do." I told them as Hua took back the holoscreen and readied her mic.

"Aunt Teri! Do you know where Bronya is?" Kiana asked as she slumps over the table, looking exhausted. Mei just sighed and smiled at Kiana.

"I already told you Kiana, don't call me that in school grounds. Also, Bronya is finishing something up for me so I'm not sure when she'll be finished. It's all technical stuff so I have no idea about it." I told her as she slumps even more at the table. "Come on Kiana, finish all of the papers by the end of the day and I'll cook fried chicken for you later at dinner." She immediately sat straight back up and started working with diligence. I just sighed how she's simple-minded when it comes to food. "Also you and Mei can tell us who you find interesting or will make a great Valkyrie among them okay?" I added.

"Okay~" They both said at the same time and continued their paperwork. While the two were busy, Hua finally began announcing the participants one by one.











"Thank you very much! Please wait for the results later to see whether you pass or not but congratulations on making it this far of the practical test." I told the girl who made it all the way as she exhaustedly walked up to the stairs and sat down among the audience.

"We'll have a 5 minute break before continuing with the last few participants so be ready until then everyone." Hua spoke on her mic, turning it off.

"That sure is a lot of untapped potential, right Theresa?" Himeko stated, stretching back her arms and opening up a can of root beer. 

"It sure is but some of them were just a bunch of brats and too arrogant for me. They would probably cause me more trouble than what's needed. Then again, there were those who gave up halfway." I replied to her. Looking back behind me, I saw Kiana, Mei and Bronya eating snacks at their own table. "Hey Bronya, is it finished?" I asked as she stops eating and looks at me. 

"Affirmative. The Bronya has accomplished the task given by Principal Theresa on the underground training room. All technical difficulties have been resolved, additionally with the holo-enemies we will be using for this Practical Test and especially the ones that will be used throughout the school year." She said in a monotone voice.

"Bronya, talk a bit more casually next time. No need to be too formal with me, you know. And also, thank you." I replied with a smile.

"Yeah Bronya, we've been friends for like forever. So talk non-formally, right Mei-senpai?" She said as she bit a big chunk off from the crepe Mei bought for her, spilling some around her mouth.

"Kiana Idiotka is a mess when it comes to eating. And yes, Bronya will talk more leisurely next time, Theresa-san." Bronya retorted, biting on to some of her crepe. Kiana got mad and started throwing insults against Bronya but was stopped by Mei, wiping off the cream off Kiana's face.

As long as there's someone responsible among them, they'll be a great team in the future. I thought to myself, turning to Hua who is swiping around the next participants that will fight later on. "Who'll be next, Hua? And what about the trio?"

"Since we have finished around half off the participants for the day because of the sudden drop outs, we'll have them as the last three. The ones that will be cut off will be continued tomorrow." She replied while adjusting her glasses.

"I see... Well, let's have them to be our last ones today and continue tomorrow." I said as Hua opened her mic and started announcing the schedule for tomorrow.

"Now then, let us have our last Valkyrie participants for today. We'll start with Seele Vollerei!" She announced. The moment the name chimed through the speaker, it was then I heard a chair falling down after it give off a screeching noise. I turned around and saw Bronya standing up in shock.

"Se... Seele... Seele is here..?" She mouthed, slowly tearing up from what she heard.

"What's wrong Bronya? Are you okay?" I immediately rushed up and went to her. I gave her a hug before she slowly sat back down, trying to not cry. "Are you familiar with that name? And who she is?" I asked her, pulling out a holoscreen of the profile of Seele. She stayed quiet, reading everything about her profile as some of her tears began to fall. I comforted her for a bit before giving her space. "Why don't you go to her after this? Things would be better if you go see and talk to her." She nodded her head slowly, wiping off some of the tears off her eyes and cheeks. I turned to Kiana and Mei, who were panicking a bit because of the sudden cry. "Go help her see Seele." They gave me a nod and comforted Bronya as I sat down on my chair.

"That's the first time she actually has shown some emotions on the outside huh? She must be very important to her." Himeko whispered to me. "Well, whatever happens, we need her for Bronya. I want Bronya to express more of her emotions like a normal girl." She added, paying more attention to Seele. Hua and I nodded as we start her practical. The other two who we were curious about accompanied her to the entrance of the colosseum as she goes to the very center and readies her scythe which is very much taller than her.

Words: 1401
Last Edited: 09/11/2022


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