Alter Ego

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Seele's POV

"I know this is going to be odd, even for you but... Are you really the real Seele I've met first? Or are you someone else in her body?" The moment those words came out from his mouth, I immediately jumped back and held the scythe tight. "Huh... Jumping away means that you're either cautious or I've hit a bullseye. No matter, I'm not going to do either way."

Other Me..! He found us out but... I don't think he will truly do anything about it and us. Seele thought out towards me in our shared consciousness.

Seele, just because you have met another person or hell, a creature, here in the depths of the Quantum Sea, that doesn't mean that you trust them immediately. I specifically told you to not trust strangers so easily, even if they are acting nice towards you. I responded to her thought. Although it's unusual for her to call me out. I thought you dislike me, Seele? She froze up when I told her about it but she surprisingly was able to recover from it.

... I'm sorry Other Me. Back then, I wasn't straight in my mind and was very confused but ever since you came and helped me to get out of the bubble universe we we're trapped in, I've been able to understand that you're only doing all of this from sake and my sake only. I know I said that I hated you but... Now I trust you very much. She uttered, giving me a smile.

That still doesn't mean that you can trust that person, Seele. If we know his true intentions and said intentions aren't going to hurt you, then I might trust him a bit. I told her, going back to reality with Y/n in front of me.

"What should I tell you IF it was true?" I replied. Seele, I'll take over for a bit until it's safe for you to come out again.

"Like any other person, I would question it. Although it's a different story if the two of you are sensitive about it because I'm not much of  prier."  He said, slowly walking towards me. He saw me getting preparing for an offensive stance. "Look, I'm not sure if it's like two different people in one body or just two separate personalities, like an alter ego of sorts."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I blurted out, getting irritated of his reasoning. This is why I don't trust men.

But he hasn't done anything to you yet, Other Me. Plus, how would you know Other Me? Seele questioned, connecting our thoughts once again. 

Not sure, honestly speaking. I somehow just have a bad feeling about him when I first saw him. That's all Seele. Now  will you excuse me since I am doing this for your safety. I replied to her, cutting our thoughts once again.

"How about a trade? Information about me and everything about the Eye of the Deep, where we currently are, and some other stuff you want to know that I can answer... for your own information along with the real Seele, Seele. But if you don't want to, I'm fine with you not trusting me and I'll still give my part of the deal. What do you say, Seele? Got nothing to lose anyway you know." He uttered, stretching put his left arm towards us.

Other Me! His arm is glowing purple! I-Is it the effect of staying too long in the Quantum Sea? I-I never had any conditions like that in our body right Other Me? Seele panicked when she saw his arm. 

No need to panic Seele. There's nothing like that forming anywhere in our body. I would be the first one to notice it if an anomaly like that ever happens. Plus I can handle this and whatever that glowing arm he has. But from what I could observe about this, it has sparks coming out of it. Must be something oriented towards lighting or thunder? I assured Seele, looking at our own left arm. Nothing to be concerned about Seele. Then again, what do you think Seele? Are you in favour with exchanging our information with his own? But if we do, we gotta do it with a grain of salt. We can never be sure whether he's teling us the truth or not. I waited for an answer from her but she was quiet for all that time. When I was about to say something, she spoke up.

... I understand Other Me. I'll leave it up to you but please consider the information he'll be giving us. And I also think we can give him some of our information but our goal. Seele responded, staring at me with a straight face. I only smiled at her as I cut her off. I stood tall in front of Y/n who stopped walking.

"Are you going to keep your word? I don't trust words but I trust actions." I told him and only replied with a smile.

"Really? Are you sure you're done... Talking about it with your other self? It's only been a few minutes. You can take your time you know." He told me, somehow making me even more agitated than before.

"You asked us for our information and now you're saying it like you didn't want it in the first place." I shouted at him as I glared towards him.

"Okay okay. Can I stand beside you then? It would be better if we were to talk quieter since sound itself has their own presence which is key on how the Quantum Honkai attack anyone." He said, reaching out his glowing left arm. "Why don't we get along properly Seele with a reintroduction of ourselves." He continued.

"Fine, but don't rush us if you're going to ask other questions about us okay?" I told him, relaxing myself.

"So it is true that Seele and Seele are two different consciousness within a single mind and body or something like that, right?" He questioned me confidently, implying that he caught up on us. "I'm going to try something out to get to you so heads up okay."

"Huh? What's that supposed to mean-" It was then he stretched out his left arm beside him as lightning sparks started appearing. The sparks slowly reacted to each other and began creating what looks like a circle. Once it was completed, a black void simply formed inside of the sparking circle. He faced it and gave me a quick glance before going in.

Ummm Other Me, where is he? I... I can't feel his presence. Seele mentioned.  Should we go follow him through that thing? It looks like a portal of sorts. Like those in the fiction literature I've read before.

If it does act like a portal, it means that he's going somewhere. But where is the question. I started looking around but he never came out of the portal he went in, which is still in view for us. After a few minutes, I heard the familiar voice from behind.

"Yo, looking for me?" Y/n said, catching me off guard and putting his hand on top of my head. But before I could react, I was immediately hit with a sudden nausea and fatigue, along with my vision becoming blurry. At that moment, I also felt that our body weakened by a lot. I started to wobble to the point I can't grip our scythe properly that I let go of it and collapsed on the floor.

Wha... What is... Happening..? Someone... Is calling me..? ... Se... Seele..! Seele..! I'm... Sorry...


Words: 1256
Last Edited: 10/14/2022

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