Dirty Chaos

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Seele's POV

After the chaotic yet entertaining celebration night the Valkyries had for their new classmates and students, it was time for them to rest up for the other big day, namely their first day in St. Freya Academy. But before they did, there was a problem during that time. While walking towards the dorms and dragging a drunk Himeko, Y/n spoke up.

"Excuse me, Theresa-san. Is this the dorms? Wherein the Valkyries stay and sleep while on campus?"

"Yes it is. This place will be like your second home. Also, I can assign anyone here so you guys can pick out what rooms you'll be using. Unfortunately, you guys aren't sharing any rooms but you'll all be under one roof. There are extra rooms in our dorm so I think it's best for the three of you to stay there but if you want to change, don't hesitate to tell me." She replied.

"Why are you asking anyway, Y/n? Got something on your mind?" Veliona smirked at him.

"It's only appropriate for a man and a woman to not share a single quarters, Veliona. And since I'm the first Male Valkyrie, I thought I'd be getting an alone house that I could stay away from the girls for practical reasons." Everyone stopped walking as Y/n looked around. "What?"

"You're not that kind of person, are you Y/n?" Hua raised her eyebrows, facing him. Y/n could only sigh as Mei and Seele instinctively blush.

"You do know I could've made a move on Mei back then, right? Plus we have our own... reasons and urges so you can't really just look at me." Y/n retorted. They all looked at each other and started snickering, except for the innocent minded Kiana.

"Nani? Nani?" Kiana's eyes shone. "What are you talking about Y/n?" She was attempting to use her cuteness to get information. When she looked at the others with her eyes, they all awkwardly look away. "Hey! I wanna be on it as well!" She pouted. She then turned to Y/n.

"Sorry but it's better for you to not know. Ignorance is bliss after all Kiana." He said, patting her on the head. While this happened, Y/n felt a chill from behind just to see Veliona smiling at him. Scary... He thought.

"How come Seele is blushing because of that? Seele's younger than me and yet she knows it but not me!" She shouted, pointing at the Seele who's all red.

"That was all Veliona's fault. She was blunt about it!" Y/n exclaimed, turning to Veliona.

"Sorry but she had to know when the three of us were living together back in the Sea of Quanta." Veliona replied.

"Bronya thinks that it was Seele who was at fault. Bronya remembers that Seele looked into a magazine Seele shouldn't be looking at." Bronya responded before Veliona and Y/n starts bickering.

"B-Bronya-Oneechan! Y-You promised me to not tell anyone! Even Veliona-san doesn't know that." Seele cried out, shaking Bronya's shoulder. Kiana pouted even more and rushed to Mei.

"Mei-senpai! Why don't you tell me what you guys are talking about!" She pleaded.

"Sorry Kiana-chan, maybe when you're a bit older?" She lightly chuckled which stopped Kiana from pursuing any further.

"Alright, alright, that's enough everyone. We're already here." Theresa mentioned, stopping at the door of what looks like an ordinary house on the outside. "Come in and welcome Y/n, Seele and Veliona, to our dorm." She said, opening the double door in front of the house. As they step foot inside, the inside was much larger compared to the outside. "Y/n, you could put Himeko down on the couch."

"She's a heavy sleeper and drinker huh? And yet she's going to be our Sensei. Are we going to be okay?" Y/n uttered, putting Himeko gently down the couch.

"Y/n does not have to worry about Himeko-sensei. Himeko-sensei is responsible whenever she needs to be and does not disappoint anyone." Bronya added as she sat down by the sofa chair next to the couch along with the others on other sofa chairs.

"Girls, get ready for bed while I get these three to there rooms." Theresa uttered as the girls replied in their own way towards her. "Shall we get going?" She asked, turning to the new trio of the group.











The Next Day

Seele's POV

My eyes sluggishly open as I slowly wake up and sat right up on my bed before rubbing my eyes. I stared at the door, vaguely hearing knocking on it and someone calling out my name. I got up from my bed and walked towards the door, opening it. I peeked through the door and saw Bronya-Oneechan smiling at me.

"Seele, you've finally answered the door. Bronya was waiting here for Seele for a  few minutes." She said, giving a small smile.

"Ah- I'm sorry Bronya Oneechan!" I quickly apologized.

"Come on downstairs, Seele. We have breakfast already so we're just waiting on you and Y/n."

"Wait... Y/n hasn't woken up-?" I quickly peeked to my left and saw the door open as the light passes through.

"I'm awake... I'm awake..." Y/n yawned, scratching his chest underneath his shirt. "Sorry about that Bronya, it might've been my fault for why Seele is a heavy sleeper now unlike Veliona. Who, by the way, decides to not even BOTHER waking us up!" He purposefully shouted the last line in order for Veliona hear him. "You can go wait for us downstairs, Bronya. We'll get ready in a few minutes, right Seele?" He continued, facing towards me.

I wasn't able to answer Y/n right away because my thoughts were taken by him  scratching his body underneath his shirt as I stare at it. I wonder how much and many muscles does Y/n have? Are... they hard? Even back then, I wasn't able to even see a glimpse of his... physique... 

... Seele, please go and get ready. Let me remind you that even if we are far apart, our minds are still connected, which is a nice side effect of cloning you to make me a body I can own, whenever either of us wants to. Veliona thought to me, catching me off guard.

"HUH!? V-Veliona?!" I shouted, surprising the two near me. Wait, why was I thinking about that!? My face turned red the moment I realized what happened. I didn't notice that Y/n came up to me and put his hand on my head as his face is right in front of me, causing me to blush even more. "Wha-wha-wha!? I-I-I-I'll get ready!" I exclaimed, rushing back into my room and closing the door.

I stood behind the door, with my hands on my face as I slid down the door ans sat on the floor. "Ugh... What happened..? And why did I think of that..?" I did what I could to calm myself and after a few minutes, I eventually did. I went on and prepared myself before going down to get breakfast with everyone else. I also wasn't able to talk to Bronya, Y/n and Veliona properly before reaching our classroom.


Words: 1139
Last Edited: 01/13/2023

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