Mistake in the Test

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Theresa's POV

The bell just rang and the audience from before are starting to crowd once again with some additional people joining in. "I'm glad that they all have calmed down after what just happened during Veliona's Valkyrie Test. You definitely don't see that everyday, especially in a something eerie like that." I sighed  at what I said. To think there is someone who has some insane and powerful supernatural powers like that of a Herrscher, even though according to our data, it says that both their Honkai Energy are normal. Moreover, claws for a weapon which is something out of the ordinary when it comes to human weaponry. I wonder how they've gained those powers and skills of theirs? 

"It sure was something that you normally see in a battlefield, not in a school like ours that are preparing the Valkyries for the battlefield. Those two are really intriguing aren't they Theresa? I'm already wondering how we'll teach these prodigies during practical classes." Himeko chatted, drinking another can of beer.

"Well, Seele is probably someone who isn't arrogant, because of  her skills or stature. For Veliona... She doesn't give off the vibe of being arrogant but she has the confidence to pull off something like what we saw back then that terrified the audience. Do you think she already has a ton of experience in a live battlefield to be able to do that?" Hua said, gaining our attention.

"For now, let's see what next Valkyrie has to offer. After all, they all registered together according to Mei, meaning that he has connections with them. He might also be the one who possibly taught them their skills and they were the ones that honed it to its limit. Well, if we want information about them, asking them wouldn't hurt anyone." I said, sitting down on the chair as I ready the mic in front of me. The two beside also prepared theirselves for our final Valkyrie for the day. 

Before we started, I heard chatting and talking behind me as I took a look at the newly formed group of friends. "Oh, I didn't expect the two of you to come here personally. I know it's still way too early for a welcome but nonetheless, welcome to St. Freya Academy, Seele, Veliona."

Y/n's POV

"Ahhh... It's finally now my turn to take the Valkyrie Test." I whispered to myself, stretching out my arms while walking towards the center. "Hmmm... I wonder what type of Honkai will be my enemy today? We had lots of different types and kinds back at our place but it was getting boring as they were getting predictable. Then again lowering my guard and being arrogant will be my downfall in the end." I finally stopped walking as I look above towards the judges.

"Are you finished with your preparations, Y/n-san?" Theresa asked as I gave her a nod. "Well then let's start your Valkyrie Test!" Wow, she's unusually enthusiastic when it came to Seele, Veliona and me too... I wonder if they took interest in us.

I quietly took my scythe from my back and held it tight with my right hand. Just from this alone, the audience erupted in murmurs and whispers. Well, my scythe is actually from out of this world, technically out of this dimension, so I understand their curiosity over it. I'm really glad that I manifested this before we came back to the arena to prevent further gossip or attention. I thought to myself before backing back a bit behind and waited for a good 2-3 minutes but nothing was falling from the sky nor wa s something coming up.

"...Huh..? E-Excuse me for a bit. It seems that we are having technical difficulties with the simulated Honkai beasts. These are what we use to have practical tests during the school year and used here in Valkyrie Test. Since they are simulations, they have the same actions and behaviours as actual Honkai Beasts you'll find in the battlefield. Although this is the first time it has stopped functioning during a Valkyrie Test." Theresa explained to us the reason why we haven't started. Even so, for a simulation to be able to hurt Valkyries, I'll just hope no one will be able to have full access of it and make it run rampant the school and beyond it. I sighed at the thought of it, only for me to learn later that I jinxed me and the entire school.

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