What Makes Us Who We Are

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Y/n's POV

"And then?! And then!? What happened when Veliona collapsed?!" Kiana enthusiastically shouted at me, standing up from her seat on the sofa.

"S-Slow down Kiana. Aren't you a little too invested in my past and my story of becoming a Herrscher?" I asked, trying to calm her down. I'm getting overwhelmed here. "Firstly, the results are right in front of you. We had an awkward start when all three of us woke up. I never knew how I did but we all just shoved it to the side and we just faced the present from that point on. Here we are now, alive, healthy, and stronger than before. Secondly, shouldn't you, you know, hate Herrschers like me for 'Bringing upon Destruction Towards Humanity'? It's like one of the basic principle of becoming a Valkyrie."

"Look, I'm not much of a bookworm but this is awesome! Imagine this, going to a school wherein three mysterious individuals suddenly gets transferred. Said individuals possess power more than others. Isn't that a good fantasy type novel or something!?" Me, Veliona, Himeko and Theresa all burst out laughing while the others sighed at Kiana's analogy on my story.

She sat down and slumped on the sofa, pouting as we turn towards her. She sat back up and looked at me. "Are Herrschers really that evil? Because if you think about it, if Y/n really is an evil Herrscher, shouldn't he be killing us and wreaking havoc to the entire St. Freya and the city?"

"I mean, there are bad guys who would get close to you and then when you're at your lowest, they'll betray what you thought of them and harm you. Most likely just to see you drown in your own despair and helplessness." I replied to her. But she does have a point in what she said about me.

"Bronya doesn't think Y/n is the type of person, judging from his personality alone, to do such things." Bronya uttered, drinking from her glass of ice tea. "Y/n also gives off a brotherly aura whenever Y/n is around."

"Yeah, he's too nice to be those devils to be honest." Veliona commented. "That being said, being TOO nice can get unwanted popularity." She whispered the last few words that I somehow wasn't able to hear but it seems that some of the others heard it since they were smirking. 

"And besides, those who are branded as Herrschers only have those title because they... have no humanity inside them and only think of humans as pest." Theresa concluded and stared at me. "Honestly, there may or may not be Herrschers out there who just can't control their Herrscher Ego and they were just vessels of it so you really can't blame the vessel only."

"You'd think that we'll treat you differently or even an outcast just because you're a Herrscher? We only will if you've done what Herrscher would've done like killing innocent people and the like but you're not much different to those around, aren't you Y/n?" Himeko continued, finishing up her 4th class of beer of the night. 

"Himeko-Sensei is right. You have accepted who you are and you told us that it is our choice on what happens now that you revealed your true identity. Albeit nothing will change since we'll still treat you like any other normal person." Hua said, adjusting her glasses.

I was silent for a bit until Seele and Veliona both put their hands on top of mine as I glance at the two of them. "... I'm honestly at loss for words since I thought the whole idea of becoming a Valkyrie is just to kill both Honkai Creatures and the Herrschers but... There's more to it than that huh..?" I looked around me as I smiled at all of them. A hand suddenly reached out to my head and started rubbing my hair. "I also did once thought that becoming a Herrscher is a curse in a way- Hey!-"

"Come on, stop being depressed about being cursed. You're a grown man so just drink it all up!" She cheered, raising her 6th glass of beer and drinking it in one gulp.

"Himeko, please stop at your 6th glass of beer, which is what you're currently holding onto. You might not be able to come to school tomorrow since we still have paperwork but go all out if you want to since we'll also be paying for the rest of the rent of this room and any other orders we'll have for the night. If we were outside, we would've already been kicked because of how loud we all are." Theresa snatched her glass of beer and put it on the side as she looked towards me. "Well, it doesn't really matter now if you are a Herrscher or not. As long as you continue being you along with your personality, that curse of your will become a blessing. A blessing that will protect your loved ones, Y/n. It's what makes us who were are after all." 

"We got permission from the principal so let's continue the celebration without any misery ruining the fun!" Himeko yelled, standing up with another glass of beer. We all stood up and held our glasses high and continued on, except for Mei who has stayed quiet all this time.

"U-Uhmm P-Principal Theresa, c-can Seele buy some ice cweam please? I can't have enough of the ice cweam here. It's very delicious and yummy!" Seele uttered, fumbling here and there.

"No need to be this formal Seele. Only within school grounds okay? But sure, we can get more ice cream." Theresa giggled, prompting Seele to walk with her. Somehow, the two girls became everyone except me and Mei. 

As they all left to order more food and drinks, I glanced at Mei who is jittering. I sighed loudly, intentionally making her hear it. She flinched from that and looked at me. She was going to open her mouth but I stopped her from saying anymore.

"You don't need to apologize Mei. You were NOT responsible for the Herrscher of Thunder's attack and choices because it was hers and not yours. You've already heard that I already accepted who I am and the others accepted that I am a Herrscher as well." I said, making my left arm glow as purple lightning sparks come off it. "This is no longer a curse but a blessing like what Theresa-san mentioned. No need to drown yourself in guilt and let go of the past, okay Mei? We're going to be classmates from now on and are already friends so no more hard feelings okay?" I continued, standing up and reaching out my left arm that is no longer glowing. She didn't look at me but instead stared at my hand instead. After a few seconds come by, she smiled and shook my hand.

"I guess you noticed me not feeling well while learning more about your past huh? Thank you Y/n-san and yeah... I should stop blaming myself for the things I didn't do on my own, especially your Herrscher awakening. The Herrscher of Thunder inside is still unstable and could control me at anytime but I've been continually doing my best to suppress her so that another Eruption won't happen again in the near future. I would also like to use this to thank you for reuniting Bronya and Seele again. Whenever we sleep together, us three with Kiana, I sometimes hear her sleep talking about Seele and her not being able to save her. She never opened up about it but thanks to you, she is becoming more like an actual girl now. Thank you Y/n-san, really. If you have any problem with your studies, I can fulfill a role of a tutor for you." She said, letting go off my hand and and smiling at me. 

Once we finished our small talks about how to control Herrscher powers and how to properly suppress it, the other came back with a whole buffet and we all continued our night doing what we do best, having fun with everyone and being chaotic.


Words: 1344
Last Edited: 10/17/2022

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