Speedrunning the Ganesha

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Veliona's POV

"Y/n-san, aren't you being a too arrogant for someone who's trying to become a Male Valkyrie?" Hua asked Y/n through the mic. 

I was about to shout at him for the wrong use of his words that not only angered the crowd but also pissed the judges. When I took a peek at him, I saw him concentrating and it was at that moment, the audience pretty much fucked up. A heavy, and succumbing pressure fell upon us with a hint of bloodlust. I glanced at Seele, who in turn glanced at me and gave me an awkward smile, and I sighed. That idiot... Does he really have to go this far? Does he even know that it may hurt us, especially Seele? I took a look at the Kiana, Mei and Bronya, which were surprisingly just sweating and still calm, except for Bronya who was too busy killing the supposed virus that caused the Ganesha to spawn. When I saw the teachers, I felt a small chill as they were not affected by the pressure at all. As expected of the teachers and the class representative. They've probably have a lot of experience in a battlefield for not faltering in this thick atmosphere. For the spectators... They are definitely screwed. The only thing they could do is just sit and watch as quietly as possible. 

"Seele, do you still remember the first time you've felt this right?" I asked Seele, gaining the attention of others.

"Ugh... I don't really like remembering that Veliona. I really thought it was the end for me since I never have experienced it beforehand plus it was an accident too while he was practicing. But ever since we knew of his true nature, I really can't think of him as someone like what the audience are thinking of right now. He's... too kind to become a monster..." She told us as her cheeks slowly flush pink. We stared at her for a bit until she noticed it and started flaliing her arms. "U-Umm i-it's o-okay now! He has apologized and has already made up for it. We-we're good now so..." I wanna tease her but me doing it just doesn't sit right with me. I'm not sure why I'm being bitter about it... I thought as I spoke up.

"It was just as heavy as this. I also thought I was at my end, only for him to reach out his hands towards us pull us up. Our legs couldn't bear the pressure back then but we managed to get used to it as he lowered the pressure we're supposed to be feeling." I added as the teachers turned around.

"Have you three been in a battlefield against Honkai and the like during your past-" Theresa was about to question us but Y/n's voice echoed through the arena, taking up our attention.

No One's POV

"Quantum Abyss!" The Ganesha Y/n is facing roared at him before suddenly started charging towards him.

"Oi oi... What the hell is this..." Himeko asked, surprised by what is happening to the Ganesha. "It's just blindly charged towards Y/n without trying to see what his abilities are, something that you don't usually see in the actions or behaviours of the Emperor-type Honkai Beasts. What did he do to make it move consistent when they're usually erratic?"

As Y/n parries and deflects a couple of the Ganesha's blind run and charge with his scythe, the Ganesha curled up into a ball and started spinning on the spot.

"Fear..." Veliona uttered as they all looked at her. "An emotion that makes us, living things, choose whether we fight or flight in any scenario. Without a calm and strong mind, actions that lean towards to survival or flight becomes predictable to the enemy. Y/n uses that fear, this intimidating atmosphere and pressure he calls Quantum Abyss, to his advantage as the predator trapping its prey. Fortunately, he only uses it whenever he's in a disadvantage or he has to hurry up when fighting. Ever since the incident with us, he has been very meticulous with it and if we are in the vicinity of its area of effect, he usually shrinks it to only the Honkai Beasts he's fighting against." She briefed them on what Quantum Abyss is and its purpose.

"The Abyss... It's something along the lines of 'If you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes back.' That might be reason why fear is a major factor in it." Mei added. "To think even Honkai feel fear..."

"Isn't that supposed to be like an unknown thing staring back at you which is the reason for their fear? What is he some kind of monster-" Kiana was about to finish her comment but was scolded by Bronya, who still has her attention on the holoscreen.

"Kiana Idiotka, watch your words. Like what happened to Seele and Veliona, this is probably just an accident or an attempt to shut the crowd for badmouthing him in the beginning, even though Y/n has his faults. Besides, according to what I've analysed through Project Bunny, the amount of pressure Y/n is exerting towards the Ganesha is at least thrice of what we're feeling right now so be glad it hasn't come to that yet but Bronya doubt it will."

"T-Three times more than this!? Now I'm starting to feel bad for the Ganesha." She was shocked by what she heard.

"And Kiana, please don't judge Y/n without knowing who Y/n really is. From our talk back then, you were pretty much relaxed towards him to the point that you're guard is down." Mei told her, facing towards Kiana who is now repenting for what she'd done.

"I-It's okay Kiana. I-I'm sure he'll forgive you for those remarks. But please don't judge him by just one or two actions. Getting to know him is something I'm glad I've done." Seele reassured Kiana, smiling towards her when she said the last line.

"Heads up everybody, the Ganesha is going to charge again in a much powerful manner." Hua spoke as everyone looks at the fight.

Y/n's POV

"It's really going to fight me despite my Quantum Abyss, as expected of a Emperor-type Honkai Beast. Gotta focus up now." I told myself, putting up an offensive stance against the spinning pill bug. I really can't dodge it since a simulation like this can still hurt the spectators. It charged towards me but I simply countered it by attacking it to the opposite of the direction it's rolling in. With the combined strength of my scythe and myself, I was able to push the Ganesha away from me and near the sides of the arena. It fell flat on the ground with its head tilted and its mouth open wide. Glad this arena is big enough to handle a big guy like him. I thought to myself as I walk towards it. It hasn't disintegrated like what Honkai Beasts do when they get defeated... Meaning that's it not over yet. 

As if trying to take me by surprise, it's huge gaping mouth flashed pink. I instantly left its range as the Ganesha stood up, still having the pink light by its mouth. It cried out before before pointing its head towards me. Uhmm... Is it actually going to- I was cut off from my thought when it shot out a pink laser beam. I can already tell how dangerous it was so I parried it and deflected it towards the sky. "OI! OI! How in the hell are you able to shoot out a laser out of your mouth even though your own real live counterpart don't do it?! The laser is cool and all but what kind of a simulated enemy is this? The data that was gathered surely don't have this information about them to replicate such a thing right? No Ganesha type Honkai Beast has this ability but a few low-level Honkai Beast do." I shouted out to the judges. The three judges weren't able to answer me right away but Bronya did in their stead.

"Y/n, the reason behind it came from the virus corrupting the Ganesha or in this case, mutating what the database in the system offers about the Ganesha, which includes the laser coming out from his mouth." She voiced out through the mic and went back towards her holoscreen in front of her Project Bunny. "I'm almost done removing the virus, so please hurry up Y/n."

"Unexpected but since it's a ranged ability, might as well close in and finish it off." I swung my scythe around and readied my attack. When it saw me readying up, it took a step back and charged up its attack. I saw its intention and closed in on the Ganesha, firing its laser towards me. I smirked, leaping up and avoiding the laser. "You may have mutated but us humans grow. This'll be your end Ganesha. Shadow Blade!"


Words: 1472
Last Edited: 09/24/2022

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